Saturday Dec 5th. Vic and Phil spent time setting up the new mill. Gil and Ed T. ran both snow blowers removing the continually arriving snow from trails and track. Len, Richard, Fred, Ed T., Ed M., Jim, and Gordon put out lights on trails and at the station "Q" area. Bill repaired squirrle damage on gingerbread displays. Gil did some trouble shooting on the tunnel power line. We may have some deer damage. Dwswitches and switch covers.ight worked on 

Monday Gil repaired the upper electrical circuit. A deer had damaged a conection and destroyed the duplex recepticel.

Tuesday Vic picked up six new batteries for our locomotives.

Wednesday Vic replaced for batteries in 6109 and checked itoutin the engine house. Gil and Ed T. replaced he belting on the blades of the small snow blower. Bill tested X-10 controllers.

Thursday Vic replaced two batteries in 202 and returned the bad batteries for the core charge.

Saturday Vic worked on wiring the milling machine and with help from Phil checked the ground fault on the wiring up the road. Dwight worked on cleaning switches, switch stands and repaired the dwarf signal socket. Bill located wiring power points. A group of members put up lights, manger display, candy canes and other displays including, Richard, Fred, Ed. M., Ed T., Gordon, and Gil and Barry with help from others arranged cars in the station and car barn.

Sunday Vic and Phil worked on repairing the ground fault on the road circuit. The problem was located.

Monday Vic replaced 90 feet of wire on the road feed to correct the ground fault. Gil tested circuits.

Tuesday Gil tested all lights.

Wednesday Vic worked on power distribution and Gil, Gordon and Ed M. worked on adding lights.

Thursday Gil spent the afternoon and evening testing lights.

Friday the first night of this years Christmas run. We had a good crew out and we also had a good steady group of riders. Gil stayed for te set up. Bill looked after getting lights on and off and some time greeting people. Brian ran the station. Richard, Fred, Jim, Gordon, Ed M. Phil and Dwight ran the railway.

Saturday Vic worked on the mill. Phil M. replaced #2 traction motor on Locomotive #3001. Gil and Bill worked on a power problem at the trailer and east tunnel. One caused by high water last spring and on caused by deer. The station was run by Brian and the trains were operated by Jim, Gordon, Barry, Phil M., Len and Ed. Bill greeted and started and turned off lights.

Sunday Gil checked all the lights and track in the afternoon. Brian ran the station, Bill did lights, The trains were run by Len, Dwight, Vic, Len, Barry, Gordon. Dwight did some charger re-wiring in one of our F-7's and replaced two chargers.

Monday Vic picked up and replaced two new batteries in 3001. Gil checked the lights and track in the afternoon. Brian ran the station, Bill did lights, Len, Fred, Gordon, Phil, Frank and Ed M., ran the railway

Tuesday Gil checked the tracks and lights in the afternoon. Brian ran the station While Frank, Len, Gordon, Richard, Ed and Fred ran the railway. Bill looked after lights and greeted people. Len and Dwight removed rock east of the station door to keep the doors from binding.

Wednesday Vic and Gil did afternoon projects. Brian ran the station while Bill greeted and looked after lights. Len Fred, Gordon, Barry Jim and Ed ran trains. 6109 had some problems and Len found the rear bakes locking on, this was repaired.

Thursday Gil checked track and lights. Brian ran the station, The railway was operated by Gordon, Richard, Ed M., Jim, Phil and Bill. 

Friday Christmas Eve Gil checked the lights. Mary ran the station. The railway was run by Phil, Gordon, Vic, Ed M., Becky, Bill, August and Emily.

Saturday Christmas Day. Train did not run due to members having Christmas with families.

Sunday Boxing Day Gil cleared snow and checked lights. Brian ran the station, the railway was run by Len, Phil, Becky, Ed T. Gordon, and Bill.

Monday Gil checked the lights and track. Brian ran the station. Trains were run and loaded by Fred, Ed M., Len, Gordon, Barry, Dwight, and Bill.

Tuesday Vic wired the control panel on the milling machine, Gil checked the tracks and lights. Brian ran the station, Jim, Carol, Fred, Craig, Frank, Ed M., Ed T., Barry and Bill ran the railway.

Wednesday Gil used the small lower on the track and the big blower on the roads. Brian ran the station. The railway was operated by Len, Richard, Gordon, Barry, Ed M., Jim, Frank and Bill.

Thursday Gil checked the lights and track. Brian ran the station and Ed M., Gordon, Len, Barry, Dannelle and Bill ran the railway. Dwight worked on a controller. Frank got trains out.

Friday New Years eve. Vic and Phil worked on the mill. Gil checked lights and track. Bill fixed two strings of lights. August ran the station, Gordon, Barry, Becky, Vic, Ed M., and Bill ran the railway. Due to cold weather there was no waiting for trains.

Saturday Vic and Phil worked on the mill. Gil checked the lights and tracks. Brian ran the station. The railway was run by Len, Ed M., Fred, Bill, Gordon and Barry.

Sunday was the last day of the run Gil checked lights and track, Brian ran the station, The trains where run by Len, Barry, Ed, Phil and Dwight. Vic worked on the mill.

Wednesday Jan 7th., Vic and Phil continued to work on the mill. Bill updated the web and transfered the donations to the Christmas Cheer Board. The cash collected for Cheer was down as our season was shorter this year. The money will help with all the extra hampers made up this year

Bill Taylor has been released from the hospital and in a rehabilitation facility for the last couple of weeks.  He and his doctors are hoping that he should be home by mid-November.  Please bear with me for a little longer, until Bill returns home to his internet access and resumes his role as webmaster for the AVR.  

Do read down the page for what latest news we've been able to post.  Though we can't update the website as often as Bill, there's plenty of action happening at the AVR.

Bill has now been sent home to continue to jurney to good health. After being in the hospital for over 8 months his mustles need a lot of re-building but in time his strength will return. 

Saturday Vic and Phil worked on the mill. Gil, Vic and Phil helped move equipment out of the station. Ed and Bill helped the others with arranging the tables in the station to have the Chinese Buffet to thank those who helped at Christmas. Those present where Richard and his son, William Ed T., Vic, Fred and Christine, Dwight and Carm, Gil and Linda, Barry, Ed M., Len and Helen, Gordon and Rhona, Phil and Becky, August, Emily, Bill and Mary-Lou. Bill thanked all those who had contributed to the Christmas run both in set up and operation. Brian, Jim and Frank were missed at the meal but thanked for their Christmas contributions..

Wednesday Vic and Phil worked on controls and the mill.

Friday Gil used the big snow blower on the main road.

Saturday Frank cleared snow on walks and the east station lead. He then got out the five outside braced box cars. Vic helped put car 454 on the table. Bill sorted out the tools and parts for the cars and started to mark roof scribe spacing on three of the roof sections. Vic worked on the tie down bolts on the mill and helped Frank clean up the work table. Gil and Fred started the big job of taking down the Christmas lights along the main trails.

 Wednesday Bill completed the marking of eight roof sections and started to scribe one. Gil took lights down on the trails. Vic and Phil did some machining on a new shaft for the mil. While installing the mil in the engine house some bearings and shafts were in need of upgrading.

Saturday Jan 22nd. 2011 Gil and Fred took down the Q area lights and started to organize the storage shed in the yard. All light boxes were moved to the station area and will be transported to upper storage when the snow melts. Ed filled the sharp edges on the eight door panels and put a coat of shellac on the backs of six. Bill completed the scribing of a roof unit and completed the filling of the grove marks. He then shellacked two doors and one roof unit. Vic and Phil continued to work on the shaft for the mill.

Monday Gil used the big snow blower to clear the sidewalk to station, parking area and main road.

Tuesday Bill put a coat of shellac on the front side of the eight box car doors and completed the first of eight roof sections.

Wednesday Gil and Vic removed and transported the large 16 ft arches from the top of the road. Gil brought in some railway arches. Bill organized the doors and got the next roof ready to scribe. Vic and Phil continued their upgrade of the mill.

Saturday Gil went to work with the big snow blower and cleared the sidewalks, lower parking area and main road. Vic worked on mechanical parts of the mill while Phil worked on the electronic controls. Gil and Fred spent the afternoon cleaning up the lower light display storage area and put away a great number of displays. Bill completed the scribing and filling of the fourth roof section and put a coat of shellac on three roof sections. Dwight worked on the electrical of 202 and located parts for 25. Len turned over the accounting information for 2010 so Bill can produce a financial report

Sunday Bill brought the membership list up to date and printed renewal letters. Brian sent out minutes from the last AGM and got Bill a list of Christmas deposits. A reminder that the AGM will be held Feb 19th in the station and all current members are welcome to attend.

Monday Bill worked on the web.

Wednesday Gil cleared snow to the two tank cars and with Vic's help moved them to the engine house lead. Gil and Vic changed oil on our big snow blower. Vic worked on  the slipping clutch system on the mill and was happy to find the problem was a missing key. Bill scribed the fifth roof section.

Thursday Feb 3rd. Bill put a coat of shellac on the back side of three roof sections.

Saturday Vic continue on the mill, replacing the table drive motor with the key and was delighted when it worked as intended. Gil and Frank worked outside on lights and repairing a breach in the deer fence. Bill filled the fifth roof section and scribed the sixth unit. Dwight started the electrical modification on #25.

Tuesday Bill sent out membership reminder letters.

Thursday Vic worked on reconnecting the electrical to the table motor. Bill started on the financial report for the AGM entering all deposits from Brian and Len's figures.

Friday Bill entered all cheques to the Quicken system dividing supply cheques into individual expense sections and discovered that 6 statements were missing during the time Bill was away. Those have been re-ordered from the credit union so an accurate accounting can be done. The web was updated. An agenda was made for the AGM to be reviewed by the exec. on Saturday.

Saturday Feb 12th., Phil worked on the electronic controls and computer program and got it working. Bill worked on the financial report for the AGM and filled the fifth roof section. Ed painted one side of six door units for the box cars. Gil repaired two breaches in the deer fence where a few deer had used to break in. Dwight completed the electrical modification to box cab 25. Beaky and August with their dog checked in railway for deer and chased a large group away from the south gate. Deer have been a serious problem this winter causing much damage to our trees. Due to Gil's constant patrol and repair most have been kept out. 

Tuesday Bill got the bank statements and reconciled the bank to the computer. It balanced.

Wednesday Gil found deer had one again knocked down the fence in the south west corner. Vic has been working a rebuilding the speed control system for the mill and today got it reinstalled and tested. Phil tested the electronic controls for the mil. Bill worked on scribing the second last roof unit and Ed painted the back side of six door units.

Thursday Bill completed the books and produced the AVR statement and other reports for the AGM.

Saturday Feb 19 the club held it AGM in the station at 3.00 pm. Prior to that Vic and Phil tested the mill by cutting steel.  Barry brought his strobe light and the speed was calibrated. Frank cleared the snow up to the station and had assistance from Len getting locos out of the engine house and set up tables and chairs for the  meeting and diner. Bill completed the roof scribing and started filling. The meeting started at 3:00 pm. Those in attendance where Bill, Len, Ed, Dwight, Barry, Jim, Barrie & Betty, Gil, Fred, Vic, Brian, Phil & Becky, Frank and Gordon

Wednesday Vic worked on the mill doing final adjustments. Gil started to mount stiffeners on our parts drawers. Bill completed a roof section.

Saturday Vic pulled out 5427 to test for volume flow through the whistle valve. Gil completed the drawer project. Phil started making "T" nuts with the mill. Dwight made up brackets to hold #25's chargers. Bill completed the last of the box car roof sections. Ed painted two door sections and shellacked four roof sections.

Monday Phil worked on "T" nuts on the mill.

Wednesday March 2nd Vic worked on a steam whistle. Ed put the second coat of Shellac on roof units and paint on 2 units. Bill put shellac on the under floor detail of one car. Ed, Gil and Bill designed how the roof frames would be built and Gil made a template to help with the rib cutting.

Friday Gil cut up roof ribs and stringers making up a sample for trial fit. Bill painted the under side of car 454 in the station.

Saturday March 5th., Bill started painting the "B" end of car 454 and then did the second coat on the under frame. Next the two remaining doors got a first coat on the outside. Gil assembled two roof frames at his work shop. Fred gave them both a coat of shellac. Ed and Gil heated and fitted 17 of the roof walk castings to fit the roof angle and Phil machined the tops on the new mill. Frank and Vic did a number of small jobs. Bill started the layout of the next Nutty Report. Dwight did some additional work on #25.

Tuesday Bill spent the day working on the Nutty Report completing the pictorial portion.

Wednesday Gil assembled the third roof frame for the outside braced box car.

Saturday several members attended but due to the snow the previous night not much was done. Dwight worked on the new Ghosty diamond at home.

Sunday March 13th, Bill completed the Nutty Report ready for proofing and assembled the last roof frame with advice from Gil on how the others were done

Wednesday Vic worked on the pilot truck of 5427. Bill and Ed both put a coat of shellac on the last two roof frames. Mary-Lou and Vic proof read the Nutty Report.

Saturday March 19 Vic worked on the whistle of 5427.

Saturday Vic replaced the whistle on 5427.

Tuesday Bill completed the painting on one side of care 454 in the station. The ice and snow is starting to melt but it is currently a mess.

Saturday April 2nd. Vic did more work on the whistle for 5427. It is definitely lower but need to try it on steam. Fred painted the box car roof frames. Dwight maintained some equipment and worked on a brake wheel assembly. Bill pained one side of seven roof panels, updated the web, printed 10 copies of the 7 page Nutty Report and got them ready for mailing. Brian supplied the club with some printer ink. 

Sunday Bill re-filled the ink cartridges twice and spent the afternoon and evening printing Nutty Reports and made up envelopes for mailing them.

Tuesday Bill worked on AVR accounting and painted the back of four roof panels and completed the A end of car 454 and painted five of the nine side panels.

Wednesday Bill completed the painting of care 454. Gil and Bill glued and nailed the first roof assembly together and test fit it on a car. Ed T came by to get his Nutty Report. Len and Bill had a meeting to plan the upgrades to the alarm system that will add heat rise and low temp to the engine house plus a land line telephone to the engine house. Len cleared the ice and snow from the sidewalk to the station

Friday Bill did accounting and printing for the AVR.

Saturday Bill glued and nailed a second and third roof unit together and filled the nail holes with plastic wood completing two units with sanding and a final coat of paint. Gil assisted with the alignment of one and spent some time on Christmas displays. Dwight replaced one brake wheel housing and did some measurement on trackage. Phil M. worked on the lath making some tooling parts. Richard and Barry picked up their Nutty Report.

Monday Bill assembled the last of four roof units, filled nail holes with plastic wood, sanded unit three and gave it a last coat of paint. It was a warm day and lots of snow melted. Bill removed debris from the main culvert and started some spring cleanup

Tuesday Bill picked up some casting resin and worked on fencing prices.

Wednesday Gil walked the fence line to select areas where we should get new fencing. Bill sanded the last roof unit and then gave it a final coat. Gil made up a jig to cut the angles on the box car end trim

Saturday Phil M. machined some stainless bolts for Dwight's signal projects. Frank cut some steel for the tank car and machined eight bearing covers for a pair of trucks and mounted them on the journal boxes. Gil and Bill cut and nailed upper trim boards on one of the box cars. Bill trimmed 18 roof walk base supports and cast 15 new supports.

Palm Sunday Bill cast 12 roof walk supports and 6 large barn door hinges and nailed on more trim pieces while the castings set.

Monday Bill cast 16 additional supports, 8 hinges and fastened on a trim piece. Brake cam pieces where located ready to be cut. A new supply of brass brads was purchased.

Tuesday Bill met with the fence contractor and walked to the south west corner and east side where we will put in some used chain link fencing to replace the deer damaged original fencing.

Wednesday Gil installed the west drainage pump in its sump hole to speed drainage. In the process he ran the first train of the 2011 season. Bill cast 24 more roof walk basses and 9 hinges. The plastic resin is used up. Gil and Bill completed the trim on car 454. Ed helped move roof units to the station. Bill formed and machined 4 angle braces for the brake cam and ground to size two cams plus made up two rods for the top of the cam

Thursday Bill put the last coat of paint on one side of car 454.

Good Friday Len and Bill spent the afternoon re tracing the wires between the station alarm panel and the main panel making a good list of colour changes as it went from cable to cable. The old underground wiring has been switched to the new cable

Saturday Frank worked on a second set of journal box covers and then switched to taking off the casting sprues on a group of brass castings for the box cars. Bill drilled brackets and cams and made up the two needed brake linkages and installed one on car 444. Ed and Fred put a first coat on car 444, touched up two roof units and Ed started painting a switch cover. Bill painted the "A" end of box car 454 and cut up coat hanger wires for roof grabs and retainer valve piping. Vic and Gil came to check on progress. Dwight did some mileage survey work, repaired a signal and made up some signal brackets. Bill and Dwight bent up the eight roof grab irons for the box car roofs and Bill installed one set. Dwight drilled and taped the brake gear box and retainer valve for car 444. Bill made up a retainer valve bracket and located missing parts

Easter Sunday Bill spent some time removing the balance of Christmas displays and steel poles from the yard

Monday Bill cleaned some leaves in the yard. Painted the end and last side of car 454. Installed roof grab irons on car 454 along with bolt castings. The retaining valve and piping was installed

Tuesday Gil checked the west pump. Bill spent the afternoon with the alarm teck on re-programming the station panel. 

Wednesday Vic worked on the whistle for 5427. Bill fabricated six corner supports for the roof top grab irons, installed the grabs and bolt castings on car 444 and painted the first coat of paint on both car's grab irons.

Thursday Bill cleared more leaves in front of station.

Saturday Dwight worked on signal parts and drilled out the last two brake wheel housings. He installed the wheel and chain on car 444. Fred drilled pilot holes in the door guide and door hanger brass castings. Ed T. put the first coat on the lower car brake castings. Bill installed the lower door wood pieces on the car 454. Gil and Bill cut fitted and mounted the roof trim strips for car 444. Bill put the second coat of paint on the roof grab irons. Barry and Len checked the Duck Lake car barn. Len made up spare gas hoses for his locomotive.

Monday May 2nd Bill spent the afternoon working with the man from Protelic replacing an underground cable to the station.

Tuesday Bill painted some box car parts

Wednesday May 4th Ed painted a group of switch covers that Dwight had built. Bill painted some brake castings and cut and drilled all additional wood pieces for car 444 and mounted them, filling screw holes with plastic wood and sanding and painting all trim pieces.

Saturday May 7th. Bill updated several web pages. Fred. Richard and Bill put out the east tunnel pump to lower the water level. Frank cleaned up a set of end sills for the new tank car project and de-flashed the remaining box car castings. Dwight removed all switch screws for summer operation and also took leaves out of switches. Ed continued to paint switch covers. Bill completed the brake casting painting and gave the second coat of paint to car 434 on half a side and the "A" end of the car. Richard, Fred and Bill put all Christmas displays in the shed from the yard, BBQ area, Turn circle etc. Richard rolled up many of the extension cords and did some general cleanup. It was great that both Richard and Bill were able to work the afternoon after their various surgeries

Monday Bill picked up the additional alarm supplies to improve coverage in the engine house by adding fire and heat loss detection.

Tuesday Bill found a supplier for plastic door track to be used for the four box cars.

Wednesday Vic sanded the sides of 65 box car roof walk supports and Phil milled them to the proper height. Bill and Gil sized some additional supports. Bill painted the remainder of one side and the "B" end of box car 434.

Thursday Gil cut down the door track and made up the door stop blocks. Bill completed the painting of the second side of box car 434

Friday Bill painted a pair of trucks for car 454.

Saturday Frank cut up steel frame pieces for the tank car and helped carry lower fence panels to the shed. Richard and Gordon removed the lower parking fence and other arches and displays. Gil removed arches from the track and transported them to the upper storage. Bill worked on the box cars, carried arches and collected extension cords. Richard and Gordon took down the upper parking fence and put in the upper storage. Phil worked on parts for the signal system while Dwight did some repairs and drilled and tapped a pair of upper door tracks on the box cars. Vic worked on whistle hangers for 5427.

Monday Bill installed the top carrier on the first door, cut and added the upper track and mounted the lower door guide to car 454

Tuesday Gil cut up the door latch mounting blocks and Bill installed the remaining door guides and door stop block. All door trim was painted.

Wednesday Phil installed the four magnetic sensors on the car barn doors and one on the storage building. Bill tested the car barn and that area is now armed. Vic worked on installing a dead bolt on the engine house main door. Ed painted three more switch covers. Bill made up another door track, put the upper carriage on the second door and installed it on car 454. 

Thursday Bill painted the underside of car 444.

Friday Len and Bill worked on enhancing the engine house, maint building and storage building alarm system upgrade to an eight zone musty function system including fire, heat rise, freezing temperature, motion and deed bolt sensors. Main task was to connect the underground cable under the garage electrical panel, check out wiring to the main alarm panel, install a 20 screw terminal strip and hook up the 8 zone expander. During this upgrade a new telephone land line is being run to the engine house. Bill moved wheelbarrows of leaves from the station area and worked on the box cars.

Saturday Richard and Gordon re-arranged the upper storage building putting away remaining arches and displays. Len installed the heat rise and two dead bolt door switches. Phil and Pat brought over a set of turbalators that were too big for his locomotive and Len installed them in his locomotive. Ed cleaned up the painting equipment. Dwight sorted signal parts, Assisted Bill in making eight air tank brackets and installed a pair of door upper supports on box car 444. Bill worked on brackets and supports for the brake parts for all four box cars.

Sunday Bill mounted the small detail castings on two control valves, filled casting holes in four parts, mounted the tank, cylinder and valve on car 444 and gave the underside its final coat of paint. A set of trucks got touch up paint and mounted on car. Bill started to machine the door latch block.

Monday Victoria Day Bill painted the roof walks for 454 and drilled out the 20 roof walk supports for 454 and nailed them all in place. They were then given two coats of paint. Len came to help turn car 444 over. Bill nailed the 60 nails on the three roof walk boards in place on car 454 and made up the end support and gave them there last coat of paint. The underside of the roof walks were painted for car 444 and half the supports were drilled out

Tuesday Bill prepared the remaining roof walk supports for car 444 and nailed them all in place and painted them twice. Half the lettering was applied to car 454. The three roof walk boards were nailed in place on car 444. Bill got 3001 out with a riding car and four gondolas to check the track. Car 170 proved to have track retention problems and in the process Bill found that he now has enough strength to re-rail a steel gondola. In the evening the cubs, scouts and beavers plus leaders came for their windup BBQ and Bill treated them to a train ride carrying about 40 youth. This was the first train ride of the season.

Wednesday Bill nailed the remaining 50 nails into the roof walk of car 444 and made up the end timbers. Gil gave Bill a hand turning car 454 so lettering and door detail could be done on the back side. Bill completed the lettering and door hanger detail on car 454.

Thursday Bill completed nail cut off on both completed roof units and did some painting. Ed and Gil reversed the positions of car 444 and 454. Bill supervised the fence company that was to install chain link on the south west corner and the east side where the deer have destroyed the existing fencing. Bill completed the install of brake castings and trucks on car 454 and started the lettering on car 444. Vic and John arrived with two boxes of rail. Bill did several applications of touch up paint to the cars.

Friday Bill completed the lettering on half of car 444 and made up and installed the upper door slide track for both doors. The upper door carriages were installed on both doors and doors mounted on car. The lower guides on one side were installed and all door parts were painted. Bill picked up food for Sunday's fun run day.

Saturday Bill used the weed eater in front of the station. Frank arrived and helped Bill and Richard get out some train equipment. Car 454 was put on the rails being complete save the door latch. Dwight and Frank turned car 444 - 180  degrees so Bill could complete the other side. Frank and Dwight stored the new rail away and disassembled the old switches replaced last fall. Richard and Gordon took all boxes of lights from the station area to upper storage. Bill, Richard and Gordon took down the station lights. Gil came with door tracks and checked on certain items. Bill cleaned up the grill for Sundays BBQ. Richard put trains away. Bill worked on car 444 installing all door lower hardware, put on remaining lettering and did required painting. Castings were cleaned and three way valves had castings applied. Car 444 is now ready for going out on the track and cars 434 and 464 will be put in place for completion. Work should go faster as all sub assemblies and parts are fabricated and ready.

Sunday May 29th was the first Fun Run day of the year. It was overcast and cool but no rain. A small group of members gathered for the afternoon of train operation and being the first session of the season a lot of things put away for the winter were found. Bill looked after food preparation, Len got 5303 steamed up and Phil and Frank did the honours with 2365. Frank, Gordon and Bill got cars out and spread around the railway. Dwight discovered the control line to Lightning Jct. had not been re-laid after the fall's switch program and he spent the afternoon digging it in. Others attending the event and BBQ were Ed & Marg T. along with their grandson.  Becky, Emily & August, Helen & Rhona . After the BBQ more trips around the railway were run and Frank and Gordon collected cars and stored them away. Car 444 joined the roster for the event and 434 was put on the table for completion. Fun Run BBQ's are funded on a cost recovery basis and we broke even on the food with a few supplies left for the next BBQ to be held at 5:00 pm after the June Open House. That event will be free to working members and $5.00 each for visitors of members attending. By all indication those in attendance had a good day.

The next Fun Run Day will be the last Sunday in June. Mark it on your calendar.

Monday Bill worked on car 434 cutting and installing all trim against the roof on one side of car. Nailing in place the 20 roof walk supports and putting the first coat of paint on the supports and the back side of the roof walk planks.

Tuesday Bill put a second coat of paint on the roof supports and roof walk planks and gave a complete coat of paint to one side and end of the car.

Wednesday Bill got 3001 out with four gons and four outside braced box cars. Work continued on car 434 with the "B" end getting its second coat of paint. The roof walk planks were drilled and nailed in place with their 60 nails and given a coat of paint. The lettering was cut up and placed on one half the car. Dwight arrived with two representatives from Red River Collage who may be interested in some track work and signals to train conductors in one of their courses. Trains were put away.

Thursday Gil and Ed turned car 434 around so Bill could work on the other side. He cut, drilled and nailed the top trim boards and painted the whole side of the car.

Friday Bill picked up bedding plants and planted five baskets on the way to the station and some additional plants plus prepared 6 extra pots. The second coat of paint was put on half of car 434 and the lower track guide supports were cut and installed along with the roof walk end boards and the roof top grab irons and the bolt castings were machined and mounted.

Saturday June 4th. Bill completed the lettering on car 434 and painted all parts not yet painted. Frank, Gordon and Bill cut two 2 x 4's and repaired the downed deer fence at mile 3. Richard tidied up outside the station and sorted used tie taking the bad ones to the fire pit and the usable ones to Gil who cut them to standard length where needed. Gil went around the railway with Roundup and sprayed all vegetation growing on the right of way. Dwight drilled, taped and mounted the upper door track for car 434 and 464. Gil and Len set up car 464 for work and rotated car 434. Bill machined door trolleys and mounted a pair on a door and mounted the door and lower door guides in place. Gil turned an air reservoir for car 464. Gordon and Bill got the riding lawn mower out and straightened the front wheels. Dwight and Frank removed and replaced a set of points and a rail on the switch on the east leg of the "Y". Richard spent time replacing a number of bad ties on the main line. Gordon cut and moved a fallen dead tree from Old Fort spur and checked the railroad removing dead branches.

Sunday June 5th., Bill lined up the template for the roof walk supports and cut grass in front of the station.

Monday Bill nailed in the 20 roof walk supports and put the first coat of paint on them and on the bottom of the roof walk planks. Bill cut the grass in the upper parking area and put in bedding plants in front of the station.

Tuesday Bill started installing the roof trim on car 464 and door trolleys on car 434. The roof walk supports got their second coat of paint along with the planks. One side of car 464 got its first coat of paint. Bill found a supply of safety hooks for the cars.

Wednesday Vic picked up a group of new chargers for our locomotives as spares and worked on 5427. Gil dropped off some supplies. Phil M. did some machining on signal parts and Bill worked on box cars completing the lower door guides on car 434 and installing the brake cam rod on car 464 along with nailing in place with 60 nails the three roof walk planks. The balance of the roof trim was mounted and one end, half of one side and the roof walk got a first coat of paint

Thursday Bill cut grass in front of station, planted more plants and put a second coat of paint on the "B" end of a car.

Friday Bill picked up supplies for the open house BBQ and did more garden work and mounted the last door on car 434.

Saturday Bill prepared the food for the BBQ and started to clean up the station. Gordon and Richard arrived and got trains out. Len steamed up 5303 and Bill steamed 2365. Ralph helped with train set up. Phil M. machined signal tower caps and helped put trains away. August looked after the station while Brian manned the platform and Richard and Gordon loaded trains and acted as conductors and ran the diesel. Vic repaired a broken water line on 2365 and Dwight lubricated the track and did other tasks. Vic & Bill ran 2365

Sunday Bill steamed up 2365 and Len steamed up 5303. Phil got the diesels out with Ralph. The open house proceeded at a steady pace with Richard, Becky, August, Vic and Ed helping out. 

Who will be attending the next Fun Run Day June 26th? Sign up so we can plan

Monday Bill painted the first coat on the bottom of car 434 and the side of car 464

Tuesday Bill cut the grass in the upper parking lot. Gil turned two additional air reservoirs for next years stock cars. Phil worked on the lathe making cap pieces for signal masts.

Wednesday Vic worked on 5427's piping for the whistle. Gil and Bill replaced the gate post on the south tunnel line and did repairs along the south fence line. Bill replaced the east drainage pump. In the evening Bill put the last coat of paint on the bottom of car 434.

Thursday Bill painted the second coat of paint on one side of car 464.

Friday Gil investigated a lawn tractor sale. We now have a new riding tractor. 

Saturday Vic worked on 5427 whistle plumbing. Bill installed the brake castings on car 434 with some help from Brian. Brian put a first coat of paint on the "A" end of car 464. Phil M. continued to make cap pieces for signal masts on the lathe. Dwight installed the last two brake wheels on car 434 and 464. Len installed new safety chain hooks on his cars and helped Bill remove a downed tree. Len and Dwight moved the cars around in the station so Bill could continue work. Bill cut and fitted the roof walk ends, the piping to the retainer valve, the bottom track guides for doors on 464 and put on all lettering on one side of car 464. Brian touched up the paint on the roof of 434 and some other parts. Dwight, Phil and Vic unloaded the new lawn tractor from the flat bed trailer.

Sunday Frank dropped off a set of drills. Bill filled and sanded plastic wood on all nail and screw holes. One end and one side of the car got its final coat of paint. The nut details for the roof top grab irons were machined and mounted.

Monday Bill drove to east of Symington Yard and picked up some donated wood.

Tuesday the fence people returned and set up the steel posts on 150 feet of fence line east of the railway. Bill machined four door trolleys and mounted them on the last two doors and started cutting down the upper door tracks.

Wednesday Vic spent the afternoon working on piping for 5427 in two areas. One air tank on the right side is touching the rear right driver on turning and the new whistle valve. Bill completed the upper part of car 464 completing the upper door tracks and mounting the lower door guides. All new parts were painted twice and the lettering was applied to that side.

Thursday Vic worked on 5427 completing the piping and whistle valve assembly and removing the main air tank from the side. Vic and Bill rotated the last outside braced box car so Bill could install the four safety chain hooks and start the underside first coat of paint.

Friday June 24th, Bill completed the first coat of paint on the underside of car 464

Saturday Vic worked on the air tank of 5427 completing the removal of excess material that was causing some rubbing. The effective driver was re painted. Gordon glued on the journal covers on a pair of trucks for car 464. Richard cleaned up garbage and spent the afternoon with Gordon replacing defective ties on the old line. Dwight continued on his to do list including re ballast and levelling of certain switches and adjustment of items as needed. Bill installed the brake castings on the underside of car 464 and applied the second coat of paint. he also put the first coat of paint on the pair of trucks. Len, Vic and Bill got 2365 out for steaming on Sunday.

Sunday Bill completed the painting on the trucks for 464 and drilled and mounted the safety chain hooks on cars 444 and 434. Bill cut up all vegetables for the Fun Run BBQ. Dwight was trained by Bill and Phil on operation of 2365 and got some good steaming time in. Len spotted cars around with Ed using 202. Ed set up a two train switching operation and the members spent the afternoon switching. Bill cooked food for 5:00 pm and after the BBQ all equipment was collected and put away. Members in attendance were, Bill, Ed, Len, Dwight, Phil, Becky, August, Emily, Barry, Jim, Debby, Billy and his brother and guests Mary and Helen.

Monday Bill worked on the web page, did club banking and accounting and spent time filling 24 pot holes in the road. Dwight went by the fence contractor and picked up surplus wood and found a source of joint bar material.


Wednesday Phil M spent part of the day machining fennials for the signal masts and sorting lathe tooling. Vic completed the re-installation of the tanks and side piping on 5427. Bill cut wood and fabricated two leg sets to repair our two broken passenger benches and gave them a coat of paint. The grass was cut on the way to the station and 29 pot holes were filled on the road.

Thursday Bill cut grass to the station and most of the large upper parking area.

Friday Canada Day (Dominion Day) for us older people. Bill completed the cutting of grass including the bush trail and small parking area.

Saturday Gordon and Bill with 202 re-planted all downed crossing signs and other wayside signage. Next task was to collect the 24 deer damaged trail lamp tops. Another eight were replaced. A downed tree was cut and removed from the upper Christmas trail. Phil M. spent the afternoon on the milling machine and lathe making parts. A group of family were taken for a ride.

Sunday July 3rd. Bill cut the upper Christmas trail now that the tree had been removed. The afternoon was spent dispensing four tanks of Roundup on the tracks using a new method. The operator car and 3001 were run in reverse so weeds could be sprayed in front of the train and the left hand could be used to run the controller while  the right hand could operate the spray. The system worked well.

Wednesday Phil worked on the mill fabricating tooling parts to facilitate the machining of new switch points. Bill spent two hours on the weed eater around the station. Gil and Bill spent the afternoon filling 70 pot holes on the road.

Thursday Gil sprayed sealer on the concrete unloading pad.

Friday Vic took 5427 out and steamed it up to test the whistle piping. Bill and Vic got 2365 out and Bill filled the boiler and tender.

Saturday July 9th 2011. The date of our July open house. A steady but small group of visitors enjoyed trips on our trains. The railway was run by Richard, Gordon Vic and Bill. Gil did concrete topping repairs to our loading pad and cut down branches on the main line. Dwight did signal repairs and other repairs. Dwight steamed up 2365 as part of his ongoing steam operation training. Vic steamed 5427 to test and adjust the whistle and to check tolerances after the side tank modifications. Bill cut up vegetables for the BBQ.

Sunday was the second day of the open house. Vic steamed up 2365 and Phil and Bill ran it with Richard loading and acting as conductor. Becky ran the station and helped with loading and setting switches. Vic repaired wiring in 202. Frank did machining in the engine house. Bill cut the grass in the large upper parking area.

Tuesday Phil M. worked on machining projects at the AVR.

Wednesday Vic snaked the wire into the engine house door for the switch on the dead bolt. Phil M. worked on the tooling for the lathe and is building a storage rack for chucks. Bill cut up planks for the new bridge to take visitors at Christmas over the yard trail.

Thursday Bill purchased wood needed for the new bridge.

Friday Bill made up the bridge stringers and cut all but three remaining top boards and screwed them in place.

Saturday Bill cut and installed the last of the planks and Vic and Phil turned the bridge over and back so Bill could paint it. Gordon and Richard replaced bad ties on the track and dealt with some growing moss. Bill cut up all scrap wood from the bridge project into 2 x 2's for ties. Phil worked on plug in brackets for the tank car so power can be run to the black gondola. Vic completed the door switch project on the main door of the engine house. Richard and Bill cut to length the new ties. Richard laid out the ties on the saw horses. Dwight made some calculations around the railway for projects that he is working on. 

Sunday Bill painted on wood preservative to the 52 new ties that have been created. 

Monday Bill cut the grass in the upper parking area and the nature trail.

Wednesday Vic and Bill worked on 2365. Vic removed the steam line to the right cock valves. There appeared to be a plug of something in the line. It was blown out and will be tested on steam. Bill greased the tender trucks and the axel pump. The running gear, surfaces and wheels were cleaned. Vic made some modifications to the whistle on 5427. Gil sprayed concrete sealer on the loading pad repairs and moved the 52 new ties to the storage rack. Gil, Vic and Bill removed the blades from the lawnmower as they had caught the steel culvert. Bill was able to buy new blades. Bill re-built 10 of the trail light covers

Friday Vic started making new brackets for another whistle. Bill used a tank of Roundup on the weeds on the Paterson Spur and used the weed eater along the main line from mile post 14 to 17. Twelve trail light heads were re-built with new white lenses

Saturday Richard and Gordon worked with 3001 going around the railway replacing bad ties and removing moss. Gil filled up another quantity of road pot holes. Phil M. worked on re-wiring the power cable through the tank car for 2365. Dwight did a survey of the west Charleswood trackage. A discussion took place between Frank, Phil and Dwight about doubling trackage from Charleswood to the loading spur. Bill and Pat had a meeting to plan meals for the end of August meet.

Sunday Gil brought over two air reservoirs that he had turned on his wood Leith. Bill cut eight 4 x 4 posts for the bridge and used the weed eater on the tracks from mile post 5.9 to 7.2 through Amur Glen

Monday Barry brought a piece of copper tubing by for Vic to make a new whistle. Bill re-built the last nine trail light heads and then completely dismantled the old yard bridge and made it into fire wood pieces so it can be burned up by the Scouting groups that come at Christmas.

Tuesday July 26th. Bill drilled holes in the bridge posts to take carriage bolts and mounted the posts onto the bridge and screwed on the handrails. They will be removed for painting. Bill set up the August issue of the "Nutty Report".

Wednesday Vic worked on 5427, helped Bill and Phil take off the railings on the bridge, helped get 2365 out for the FUN RUN on Saturday. Phil M. did some machining, made up a wiring harness for the tank car and tested out 2365's electrical. Bill worked on the bridge, did paper work and cleaned one of the tank cars. Pat and Bill did more planning on the August meet. A preliminary draft of the timetable is on the web. A PSA was made for the media. Vic proofed the various documents.

Thursday Bill cut up the remainder of the bridge deck and stored it for scout use this winter. The flowers around the station were watered and weeded. Bill printed 20 copies of the "Nutty Report".

Friday Bill printed 20 more copies and made up the August joint meet timetable and published it on the web.

Saturday Richard went out with 3001 and picked up the 20 ft of ties at the Paterson elevator spur. He also replaced some ties. Frank prepared 2365 and Bill lit her up. Richard and Bill picked up all available cars from the Duck Lake car barn. Vic and Frank worked on 5427 getting the drivers on rollers and painting gold on one driver and touching up the other wheels. Ed went out with Frank on 2365 and placed cars in spurs. Ed made up card orders for two trains. Ed and Dwight went switching with 3001 while Bill and Richard used 2365. Frank and Vic worked on 713, lubricating and freeing up the pistons. Trains were left out for Rob's arrival on Monday. Bill completed one tie panel.

Sunday due to possibilities of thunderstorms over night Bill put all cars in their barns.

Monday Aug 1st. Rob came with Joseph and a friend about 11:30 and got 3001 out to explore the railway. The show cars were brought back to the station and Rob took videos of their travels. He also took the five outside braced box cars out for a posed  picture of the group. Gil came for a visit and he and Bill discussed bridge placement.  Bill set up the next row of ties for a second tie panel. Shirley arrived with another couple and a number of trips were had around the railway. Frank came to work on 713 and gave it an external wipe down and checked the brake cylinder and re-set the brake shoes. Rob and boys put the cars inside as those thunderstorms are still expected.

Tuesday Rob and boys came and went out on 3001. Bill and Rob steamed up 2365 and Rob spent the afternoon making trips around the railway. Gil made one video. Bill took over the loco while Rob took videos from the tank car looking forwards and back. After the run the equipment was stored away. Later Bill completed the second tie panel.

Wednesday Bill had his long awaited grafting surgery. Vic worked on 5427 maintaing different systems and he drained 2365 and put her away. Rob tackled the job of ballasting the spur into the Duck Lake storage building and was joined in the task by Gil, Phil, Ed, August and Joseph and his friend. In all six trains of rock were moved and some of the areas that Richard and Gordon had been replacing ties and removing moss were ballasted. During the afternoon Brian and Fred came to visit Rob. Bill prepared a BBQ for 10 people and was helped by Becky who cooked seconds and cleaned up the dishes and supplies. The whole group helped with the job of moving and planting the new bridge so this Christmas the traditional yard trail can be used again and more safely.

Thursday August 4th., Bill painted the handrails on the bridge and touched up picnic tables.

Friday stuffed and mailed out the "Nutty Reports".

Saturday Frank and Phil used a camera scoop and looked at the inside of the boiler on 713. Vic worked on the front cock valves of 5427. Gordon and Bill swept and contoured the new ballast at mile 17, at Duck Lake and Ghosty Hollow. The tall grass at Paterson was cut back with the weed eater. Bill and Gordon took a group of six casual visitors on a full ride and the club got a nice donation

Sunday Richard came over with 10 family members and treated them to a double ride and engine house tour. Bill used the weed eater at the west end of Paterson and up the spur to the storage building. While the train was out some grease was applied and some additional sweeping of fresh rock was carried out.

Wednesday Frank did more work with Phil on 713 getting some additional gas lines and fittings. Bill, Gordon and Phil got 2365 out ready for Saturday's open house. Phil machined a new mount bolt for the read left foot peg on 2365. Gordon and Bill went out on the line and greased the track were needed. Bill and Lisa went out with Julian and Bill levelled cross level problems at the level crossing north of the east tunnel, around curve at mile 17, at the west end of the Paterson siding switch and the south end of the east tunnel. Len assisted Bill in re-levelling the bridge at the south end of the east tunnel. The north west corner was raised one inch and the middle was raised 3/4". Bill and Len closed gates and put the train away

Friday Bill shopped for the Saturday night members BBQ.

Saturday Aug 13th was a beautiful day for our August open house. Bill started steaming 2365 and cut up vegetables. Phil continued to tend to the loco and did most of the runs with Bill and Len assisting. Gordon got 3001 out and did most of the diesel runs. Richard replaced bad ties in one switch and got most of the additional 20 feet on the elevator spur replaced. Dwight did repairs to several switches and some cross elevation problems assisted by Len. Bill served a BBQ for supper with Brian assisting. Brian did station dispatching and loading duties while Bill and Becky looked after the station. It was a steady day of rides but quite laid back with lots of time for visiting and enjoying the great weather.

Sunday was the second day of the August public open house. Bill started up 2365 and Phil tended it. Trains were run by Richard, Phil, Len, Jim and Bill with August and Becky looking after the station and loading trains. During slow periods Bill and Richard repaired three leaks in the water system chewed by squirrels. Later all grey blocks were picked up, Water lines turned off and hoses repaired. Phil and Bill blew down 2365 and put it away while Richard put cars away and 202. Later Bill walked the old line and located three more squirrel chews in the black poly pipe that will need repair. Bill emptied the station fridge for repair.

Monday morning Bill took the freezer section of the station fridge apart and removed the defective evap. fan motor and tested it. The failure was the blade coming loose but on testing the bearing was squealing. The early afternoon was spent looking for a replacement plus getting two low temp thermostats for the station and engine house to go on the alarm system to detect low heat problems. While shopping the plate, glass and cutlery were purchased for the meet and dinner train. The late afternoon was spent re-installing the fan motor and cleaning the fridge. The two squire damaged water pipes were repaired and then all water points were flushed to clean the line and test for leaks.

Tuesday Gil worked on a new manual flanger for spreading ballast.

Wednesday Bill but out our propane tank cars and Caledon came and filled them. Bill hauled them back for storage on the Charleswood Spur. Vic got 5427 out and steamed her up and took it to the steaming bay to test the modified lift. He adjusted the controls to make it operate and returned the loco to engine spur. Gil, Vic and Bill pulled out the loading lift and while Bill swept leaves out of the area Gil tackled the job of re-cycling some power boxes for replacements of some water damaged power boxes. Bill used wire brush and scrapper and cleaned up another picnic table and then painted it. Phil M., and Frank took 713 apart including dropping the burner so it would be ready for a boiler test. Later the two plus Bill and Barry performed a boiler static test on the boiler and passed it as being ready to steam up. Phil and Frank put the burner back in and after racking the loco put 5427 on the lift. Bill with Julian went around and closed all gates and put 202 back in the station.

Thursday Bill purchased non perishable supplies for the up-coming meet and stocked the repaired station fridge. Gil replaced the duplex box at the yard power distribution centre. 

Friday Bill used wire brush and scrapper and cleaned up the four benches at the fire pit area ready for painting. Vic removed the gear sprocket from the steaming bay lift to be replaced with a smaller gear. Bill used 202 to replace eight trail light bulbs and to find the power disruption problem at the Amur Glenn's 12 volt distribution box. Bill pare boiled the sausage for Wednesday's breakfast. Bill cut grass in front of the station and in the upper parking area.

Saturday Aug 20th. Frank and Phil M. Put 713 back together and attempted a steam up. The actually made steam but found a number of things that were leaking like the water pump line and check valves that were staying open. For fear of not being able to get a reliable supply of water she was steamed down until those repairs can be done. In all it was a productive day. Vic came supplied with a new drive gear sprocket for the lift and re-assembled it. For testing he steamed up 5427 and took it to the lift to test the new sprocket. 5427 was also tested and will need a new transfer hose. Richard and Bill went out to Paterson and while there Richard completed the elevator spur track and Bill used the weed eater up to  the rock pile. Richard continued his task of replacing ties around creosote crossing while Bill repaired the loose wires at Amur Glenn. Richard and Bill re-installed the wire for power distribution to the north section. Bill replaced 16 lights and trail heads around the railway and trail. It was discovered that the north line had a power break and intermittent power flow. Bill started at the circuit panel and tested half way on the line. It was soon decided that the problem was in one of two connections and with Len's help both junctions were re-assembled and tested only to decide the break was in the line between. Solution is to find the actual break or replace that length of wire. Whit arrived with his trailer full of cars and it was dropped by the loading area. Trains were put away and many headed for the Prairie Dog where 20 of the meet delegates were going on a dessert and sunset train ride to Grouse Isle. It was a nice ride and a fitting end to a good day. 16 of the 300 passengers were members of the AVR. Gil did service work on car 170 and got car 100 ready for inspection.

Sunday Frank replaced a burst water hose on the tender pump for 713. Bill found the intermittent problem on the north trail light power line, replaced 20 light heads and lights, repaired a few more, repaired some broken wires at the mile four 12 volt transformer and repaired two squirrel damaged water hoses.

Monday Len and Bill repaired the broken wire at Old Fort on the new line. The line was repositioned and re-connected. Whit arrived and unloaded Lee's locomotive. A group of members, Whit, Carla, Len, Bill, Lee, Danielle, Barry, Whit's dad, and Ian started the work session by levelling the spur from Duck Lake to the car barn. Some areas needed more rock and Len picked up all the rock at the station and the group spread it as needed. Next area of attention was the north switch into Duck Lake siding. The group returned to the station for a hot dog lunch. The ladies were rescued by Pat for a shopping spree. Back at the engine house Phil M. was working on 713 and removed the water pump line for replacement. A fitting was needed and Phil, Barry and Ian went to Barry's to find one. The other members of the group went to Paterson for a train load of rock. Bill completed the cooking of the spaghetti sauce and put it in the freezer. The group then went to Ghosty Hollow and levelled the whole curve using up the train load of rock and then returned to Paterson to get another load of rock to be used at Chapman. The group then went to The White Tower Restaurant for supper and were not pleased with the service. We were a group of 19 on a slow Monday and reservations had been made but Bill got his food one hour and forty five minutes after arriving. Half the group went home to bed after supper and the other half went to the station for a slide presentation of Ed's old layout. Len and Bill closed the gates and put away the diesels

Tuesday was a work day at the MLS and it started at the Prairie Dog where a rail was cut and supplies were loaded on Whit's truck. The supplies left with Bill being tail watch on the rails and supplies. At the MLS caboose Barry disconnected the power while others prepared the north end of the caboose to move it 15 feet north on two side mounted rails. This allowed six sinking and rotten ties to be replaced on the south end. Whit, Len, Phil M doing most of the steady work with, Barry, Danelle, Carla, Bill, Bob, Ian, Lee and a few MLS members all relieving each other as the temperature was near 100 degrees. The task was completed and the area tidied up. After super a group met at Fred Headon's home HO railroad for an evening of operation. Fred had four of his regulars plus Carla, Danelle, Whit, Len, Dwight, Phil M., Bill, and Ian operated trains and it made for a great end to the day. Barry, Bob, and Pat were part of the cheering on committee. Jess put on a time of refreshment.

Wednesday the group met back at the AVR for breakfast of pancakes and sausage and then Whit's trailer was unloaded while Bill and Dwight spread cars around with 2365. While the dispatch crew got operation organized Bill, Bob and two new arrivals from Sioux Falls spread and levelled the siding at Chapman. The afternoon session started and switching continued right up to supper at 6:30 when the group stopped to eat a hamburger and chicken finger meal prepared by Bill with assistance by Debby. After supper operation continued until 9:00 pm when the group headed for home. During the afternoon Phil M and Frank steamed 713 and later made some trips. Vic steamed 5427 and at the pinnacle of operations we were operating six trains

Thursday Bill started breakfast preparation. Dwight and Bill started 2365, Phil steamed 5427 and later Frank and Phil M. steamed 713. After Breakfast the first switching operation started and carried on until supper that Bill had on the table by 5:30. Spaghetti & meat sauce, Pork and wieners and vegetable plate and chips etc. The group was joined by 5 more members from the USA. After supper the operation continued.

Friday was the last day of the AVR part of the International meet. Bill prepared breakfast and started up 2365. Phil M. steamed up 5427 and Len steamed up the Mikado. A switching operation was run in the morning and early afternoon and culminated in rounding up all of Whit's cars for loading. Whit and Carla and company prepared the steak supper with slaw, fried potatoes, garlic toast and the famous cobbler. Bill and Frank collected all AVR cars around the railroad with 2365 and Len and Phil M.,  put away cars back at the station. Frank, Len, Phil M., and Bill loaded 2365 and two gondolas for the move to Red River. Work completed by midnight.

Saturday Aug 27th, Len licensed the trailer and Frank drove it to Red River with Bill. They unloaded and steamed up 2365 and Bill took out a train to give rides to a group of MLS visitors using Whit's cars. The main gang of AVR, Joint MLS members and others worked on the caboose moving and by mid afternoon it was located 15 feet south. After a lull in riders Frank and Phil M. took a number of guests around before they were joined by Danielle on Barry's Pacific. The rest of the rides were double headed. The BBQ was a roast pig, baked potatoes, corn and beans. Whit and Carla did their famous cobbler. During the afternoon two locos ran on the elevated line. Operations ended about 9:00 pm.

Sunday was the last day of the joint meet. Phil M. steamed up 2365 and was on the line before lunch. Bill, Frank and Len arrived about 12:30. Danielle steamed Barry's loco and we ran two trains until Steven steamed the small 1/12 loco. The number of public was light. At 3:30 Whit began to pack up and soon Frank put the trailer in place and 2365 plus the two gondolas were loaded and the trailer was back at the AVR by 6:00 pm. It was a good week of trains and we enjoyed our time with the gang from the USA and look forward to next year.

Tuesday Bill did paperwork and accounting for the club.

Wednesday Vic started to assemble a new strainer basket for 5427 as the aluminums one was reacting with the stainless steel in the tender. Bill removed all tie downs from the equipment in the trailer and unloaded the two gondolas. Phil M. helped move the dolly and unloading and re-racking of 2365. Vic assisted with moving the trailer. Bill put away the black Gondola, took the 30 # tanks and the two tank cars to the filling area.

Thursday Bill picked up three sheets of OBS and three 2 x 4's along with Dinner Train supplies. Today's task was to repair the roof on the shed where the lawnmower is stored. First task was to remove the railing on the south, north and east sides. Second task was to remove the old tar surface. Third task was to take down the stair case and rotten south rafter. This was replaced by three 2 x 4's nailed as a beam.

Friday Bill continued on the shed, nailing framing boards on the old roof and cutting and installing three pieces of OBS for a new roof.

Saturday Sept 3rd. Bill cleaned up all the dishes from last weeks meet. Web page was updated. Vic continued his work on 5427's water strainer basket welding the cage frame. Frank worked on plans for the tank car and filed a repaired bolster that Vic had gotten welded. Richard cleaned up and replaced a number of ties on the railroad. Richard and Bill levelled some dips near the north end of the east tunnel and shifted the wood bridge west. Bill started working on the next Nutty Report and took dinner train reservations.

Wednesday Gil rounded up fence post material and took his chain saw to several trees. Vic worked on the strainer basket for 5427. Phil M. did maintenance work on our equipment, Bill brought in the filled propane tanks and printed half the "Nutty Reports".

Thursday Bill printed the last of the reports and stuffed about half the envelopes. Gil made up the two fence posts for the repairs of the south fence. Bill cut to size two pieces of metal roof and put them in place on the shed.

Friday Bill worked on the lawnmower shed roof cutting three pieces of wood and five metal roof sections and screwed all material in place.

Saturday Bill cut grass in front of the station and got 2365 out and steamed her up. Phil and Frank ran 2365 and Gordon ran 3001. Richard loaded trains and tidied up the area. Len ran his Mikado. Bill looked after the station with Carmelina. Dwight did maintenance work and Vic worked on 5427's Tender. The canopy frame was moved to its winter location. Bill cooked a hamburger supper for members. Trains were put away.

Sunday was day 2 of the public open house run and totally was our busiest summer open house. 2365 and 3001 were used and trains were run by Phil M., Len, Ed and Bill with Becky looking after the station and platform area.

Monday September 12th. Bill purchased the hamburger patties for the dinner train and loaded two box cars, one stock car and a log car in the trailer. Len got out his engine and prepared it for a boiler inspection that Barry performed on it. It was raised to 190 pounds and the boiler was sound. Next up was 2365 and Bill put it on the lift with Len, help and a hydro test was done on her to 195 pounds. Both locomotive gauges agreed with both of Barry's test gauges.

Tuesday Bill purchased most of the non perishable food for the dinner train and made up the meat sauce for the spaghetti. Len found salad bowls were back in stock and picked up 200 of them. Bill cleaned up 2365 and lubricated the front truck.

Wednesday Vic worked on 5427's tender water strainer cutting stainless and welding it. Ed made up two fake wasp nests for the station as a test. Bill took 3001 and collected cars at Duck Lake that need to be loaded for St. Croix. Using the cars and 3001 a greasing run was done around the railway. Phil helped Bill load 3 log cars, two gondolas, 3 box cars and 2365 into the trailer for St Croix. Bill did internet stuff and other admin tasks.

Thursday Phil M. changed oil in the Suburban and other checks for the trip to St. Croix. Bill did banking and supply pickup and then spent a good amount of time making up the macaroni and tuna salad completing the day by tying down the loaded equipment in the trailer.

Friday Bill made two trips to the store for food supplies and a trip to the shop for ice. Later in the evening Len and Bill cut and diced vegetables until 11:pm.

Saturday Len and Bill started by preparing the station. Soon joined by Richard and Marietta who prepared the trains and tables. Jim, Phil M. and Gordon ran the trains and other members helped from time to time. Phil did more work on the Suburban and Vic welded the new stainless steel strainer basket together. Gil and other members installed the new fence supports on the south fence and tied up the wire on the west side. The dinner train ran as planed with Bill cooking the meats, Len doing plates, salads and desserts. Marietta along with others served the tables.

Sunday turned out to be a great day with lots of sun for day two of the dinner train. All trains were either full or nearly full with a few additional people more than seats available. Len and Bill where the cooks with Linda, Becky, and Carmalina being the main servers and others helping out as needed, Phil, Gil, Richard, Ed and others helped keep the trains running. In all it was a good day with lots of full and happy people. We will see you all next year.

Monday Bill calked the roof line between building and new steel roof on the lawnmower storage shed. Next task was to double stake two gone on the lift and load them plus the caboose and refrigerator car in the trailer for the trip to St. Croix. In the evening Len and Bill loaded the Mikado and Len's three cars in his van for the trip to St. Croix. Gil checked the railway for stray deer and found one.

Tuesday was a wet day with steady rain all day but still Phil M and Bill put racks in the Suburban and Bill's van and stacked six gondolas and loaded them in the two vehicles for the trip along with supplies and spare parts

Wednesday those going to St. Croix for the fall meet left in the morning to make the eight hour drive. Back at the AVR Vic continued on his tender repair project. Bill and Phil unloaded the six gondolas and had a chilli supper.

Thursday Phil M, Phil S, Barry, Len and Bill unloaded their equipment at St. Croix. Len, Phil M, Phil S, Barry and Bill worked on the new yard at St. Croix. 2365 was used to haul side dump rock cars.

Friday was a cool day at St. Croix. Len used his Mikado to move rock.

Saturday 2365 spent most of the day hauling rock and by afternoon the yard was complete and rock had been spread on the front of the new 1.5 car barn. AVR members from Winnipeg included Len, Barry, Phil S, Phil M, August, Pat, Bill and Mary-Lou. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the St. Croix Railroad a prime rib dinner with 150 people was staged. Back at the AVR Vic continued to work on the tender of 5427 and Richard, Gil and Gordon spread ballast from the loading spur to Creosote Diamond. 

Sunday 2365 carried 258 public and Len's Mikado hauled 132 passengers. It was the nicest day of the meet. Phil M and Len loaded both Phil's Pacific and Len's Mikado.

Monday Bill, Len, August and Phil M. loaded the Suburban, The Uplander and the trailer. Bill cooked a breakfast for six. The group drove back to Winnipeg.

Tuesday Bill started repairing lights and put out 1,700 Christmas lights on a great day. Phil S. arrived with 6612 and with Bill 25 was moved to 713's track and 6612 for now went on the left dolly. We may move locos around to best suit our needs. Phil M arrived with the trailer and it was dropped for unloading Wednesday. Bill updated the web page.

Wednesday Gil did more sweeping on the new ballasted area. Bill worked on Christmas lights from 8:30 am till 10:00 pm repairing lines and putting out objects. A group of arches got some touch up paint and the gingerbread boy on a trampoline got repaired and the brown was re-painted.

Thursday the fence contractor spent a day working on installing the new deer fencing on our most vulnerable areas. Bill worked on setting up lights and repairing infrastructure. The gingerbread kids on a swing got its brown re-painted and two poinsettias were re-painted. 

Friday Bill repaired light displays, planted steel posts and set out Christmas displays. Gil helped carry out the gingerbread on a teeter totter.

Saturday Oct 1st. Gil worked on the new fence on the west side. To make it as high as possible the fence had a small opening at the bottom. To stop limboing deer the bottom space was closed in. The south section was also raised to stop possible deer entry. Phil M., August, and Bill removed equipment from the trailer and stored it away. Len, Bill and Phil unloaded Len's train and the gondolas in the Suburban and Uplander. All equipment was put away. Dwight relocated the switch blower from West Charleswood to Lightning Junction. Bill spent the evening hauling lights by train from upper storage and testing strings.

Sunday Bill spent the afternoon and evening repairing and putting out Christmas lights during a great day.

Monday Bill worked on Christmas lights getting a good number up. Phil M. and August worked on turning more signal tower caps for the railway.

Tuesday Bill put up more lights.

Wednesday Bill used the leaf blower on the whole railroad and got out trains giving a group of seniors from the West Broadway area a double train ride and tour along with using our BBQ pit for a hot dog lunch. Gil made up a new fence pole and with Bill installed it on the South fence line. A 2 foot strip of extra wire was added to the top of a vulnerable spot along the south fence. Bill spent the remainder of the day putting up lights and transporting by train more lights from upper storage.

Thursday Bill put out most of the lights tested the evening before.

Friday Bill was up by 7:30 to be ready for the annual outing from the Tuxedo Pre School. He set up 202 and 3001 with 19 cars between them. Gil was the second engineer. We had 51 in the morning and 40 in the afternoon. The weather co-operated. Gil and Bill put all the equipment away. Bill put out more Christmas lights.

Saturday Oct 8th Bill steamed up 2365 while Len cut up a downed tree at Lightning Junction. Gordon got 3001 out and did a test run removing dead brush. The open house was well attended allowing two trains to be run all day. Len and Bill ran 2365 while Gordon looked after 3001. Ed helped around the platform. Dwight made repairs to the signals and switches. Bill painted 350 lights. 

Sunday was steady but slower then Saturday due to the NHL hockey game. Len, Phil and Bill ran trains while Gordon and Becky looked after the platform. Bill but out some lights after the run.

Monday Thanksgiving Day. Bill put up and tested Christmas lights. 3001 was used as a transport and work station.

Excuse our failure to update the web but the station lap top has been dying after 7 years. Started to corrupt some files and now the screen has failed. Service shop says repair of screen is more than a new one so I am shopping but next glitch is that the new laptops do not have phone dial up only wireless so while I ponder the solution I have finally remembered that my old laptop still has a working copy of Front Page so I transferred the web pages via memory card and once modified I will transfer it back and up load it. Hope it all works.  Because we are so far behind I can hardly remember what we did since October 10th. Bill worked on lights every day and currently we have 93,770 up and running with all displays up and repaired except two candy canes and a three star set. The yard trail lights are waiting for snow to come which came last night thanks to a Colorado Low. 

Vic has worked on replacing the unloading lift with a bigger gear motor, he also is checking locomotive batteries, Gil has done fence repair and started checking and servicing our fleet of gondolas for Christmas, Frank has been checking track and replaced some worn track at mile 14 curve and blew out our track water lines, Richard and others replace ballast north of East tunnel, Dwight has re-ballasted the East Charleswood switches and levelled the area along with some other areas, Gordon, Richard and Bill have put up large road and parking arches and installed all fence panels. Other members helping with other tasks during the period are Barry, Billy, Mary-Lou, Ed, Ken, and Phil M. Other smaller jobs were completed but have not been remembered. 

The list of lights up per day has been updated at the bottom of this page 

Monday Nov 7th Bill continued with light installation. The count is low due to repairs of those items put aside for more time consuming repairs. Vic found a source of brake fittings.

Tuesday Bill worked on the illuminated train display. Gil built a small show case for the station counter to display our badges, patches and pins.

Wednesday Vic continued to work on the charging system of 3001 along with helping Gil service and inspect gondolas. Bill continued to work on the Christmas display.

Thursday Bill picked up two used speakers for the sound system and put up more lights. 

Friday Remembrance Day after the service Bill set up the sound system and worked on the illuminated train wheels and yard trail lighting.

Saturday Nov 12th, Gil completed the inspection of all our red gondolas assisted by Vic and Frank. Frank repaired the raccoon hole in the gable of the maintenance building. Vic completed the battery and charging system on 3001 and also repaired the air brakes on 202. Phil gave Bill a hand on train wheels project. Richard and Gordon made electrical repairs on the road arches, repaired squire damage, filled in holes and ruts on the walking trail with crushed rock, walked the trails removing branches and other hazards. Richard cleaned up garbage and attended to other projects. Becky did some cleaning in the station washroom. Dwight cleaned out leaves on switch curbs and sorted out the switch covers. Bill repaired a number of squirrel chews and continued to struggle with the train wheels assisted by Dwight. New signs were made up and installed.

Sunday Bill continued to work on the illuminated train wheels and did an inspection of the lights and found that squires had turned off 2000 lights on the west side and also chased out two does.

Monday while Bill was repairing the ten wires that were chewed detected an opening at the end of the new fence where deer could get in. Gil repaired this opening and also raised the fence line at the east tunnel. Bill continued on light repairs restoring 1700 lights. A donation of three deer and two ornamental trees was made to the light display, Bill worked on the small deer and completed an LED snow flake and painted a flower frame, three snowflake frames and three wire trees. The small donated deer was repaired requiring 50 replacement light bulbs.

Tuesday Bill repaired the animated deer with 200 lights and a moving head. 100 new light bulbs were needed. A candy cane was repaired and the 6 petaled flower got new coloured lights applied.

Wednesday Vic and Gil serviced 3001's riding car and started repairs on the seats. Bill continued to work on lights spending time working on deer #3 and the first wire tree.

Thursday Bill completed the repairs on the wire tree and put it out in the display along with two deer and the new flower. The tree required 50 new lights. Changing lights is a time consuming job as the bases are different so bulbs need to be transferred from standard lights to these special bases and replaced in the object. Repairs to the second tree started and the medium wire tree got new green lights and put in the display.

Friday Nov 18th, Bill completed repairs on the second ornamental tree replacing over 100 lights. The small tree of the group of Got new lights and both objects were placed in the display.

Saturday Bill cleared snow on most of the yard trails. Gil came early and cleared snow on the track. Gil also made the modification to the second seat on operator car 200. Gordon brought all lights that had been replaced on arches and train inside and coiled them up for storage. Bill put lights on the largest of the three trees and put it in the display. We resaved a donation of large lights and several objects. Bill repaired two angels and two small candy canes. They needed clear medium lights so Gordon took the paint off a group of donated lights. Dwight spiked closed a group of switches on the railway that will not be needed this Christmas and built a light testing circuit. Bill decommissioned a group of larger lights saving bulbs and both plug ends. The remainder will be scrapped. Phil, Becky and Barry came by.

Sunday Bill de-commissioned several old light strings and harvested bulbs and ends.

Monday Bill worked on the last orphaned deer replacing over 60 lights and built a new linkage for the motorized head. The deer was placed out on the display along with an angel and two small candy canes.

Tuesday repaired the last of the large candy cane and placed it out in the display. While putting out the newest snowflake it was discovered that squirrels had again taken out Ogo Pogo's head so that was repaired.

Wednesday Vic, Gil and some assistants from Barry serviced riding car 220. While it was being done the seats were reinforced with steel brackets. Gil and Bill moved tables and plant pots around to prepare for Christmas. Bill worked on lights putting out the last candy cane and more lights in the lower parking area. Some control circuits were installed.

Thursday Vic arrived with Ralph. Gil got out another flat car for service. Vic worked on making brass parts. Bill repaired squirrel and deer damage and prepared green lights for repair. Ralph took on the challenge of repairing the train wheels and was successful in getting the green working. Ralph and Bill used Dwight's circuit tester on the yellow circuit and while the problem was not located we zeroed in on where the problem was.

Friday Bill tested some areas and de-commissioned some lights. A  new supply of train passes were printed along with new signs.

Saturday morning it snowed. Bill cleared the walking path and Gil used the small snow blower and shovel on the tracks. Vic continued to make brass parts. Richard repaired a number of squire and deer damage. Dwight worked on locomotive control boxes. Ralph continued to work on the yellow circuit and the problem still persisted. Richard and Bill set up the long ladder on the house gable end. Bill joined Ralph on the train wheels problem and found a hidden broken wire. Ralph repaired as needed and made all circuits operate. Len re-reconnected the circuit to the house roof which added 400 lights. Richard cleaned up and fixed a number of display items.

Sunday Bill set up the last of the wire trees in the yard and put the new snow flake in the west trail display. During the Grey Cup Bill de-commissioned 600 curtain lights salvaging the ends and clear bulbs for future displays.

Monday Bill set out another snow flake and several lights were repaired. Ralph spent several hours working on the big train with help from Bill. Vic took 6109 to the engine house to inspect and service it. He repaired a problem with the running lights.

Tuesday Bill put out a large number of small signs around the display. The last snowflake was started.

Wednesday Nov 30th, Bill decommissioned more lights, Cut up 48 pieces of steel for stars and welded four small and three medium stars together. There is enough cut steel to do four more. Gil got the last operator car out and with Vic serviced and checked it out. Gil also sanded the yard path and got sand ready for Christmas. Vic worked on brass details for 5427 and did some other small repairs. Phil M worked on the mill making new switch points for most of the afternoon.

Thursday Bill completed the last snowflake and put it out in the display. The seven new star frames were painted.

Friday the display was checked and some small repairs were done. Bill started a full clean up of the station and transported salvaged materials to storage.

Saturday Dec 3rd Vic continued making brass parts while Phil M. continued to mill switch points. Dwight re-built a spare locomotive controller and re-stacked the new rail. Richard, Gordon, Fred, Ed T., Gil and Bill did a number of small tasks to be ready for Christmas. Clean station, move tables and chairs, clean up garbage, trim trees, remove snow from chairs and benches, repair some squirrel damage, move boxes, re-position equipment and set up front nativity display. Bill put lights on two new stars and made up light sets for more stars.

Sunday Bill completed the last two new LED stars and placed them in the display and completed the last three 14 inch stars with regular lights.

Monday Bill cleaned up the counters, did paper work for the club and some welding on the last four stars for this year using steel cut three years ago. Lights where prepared for the four stars and a snow man frame.

Tuesday Dec 6th. Bill dismantled an old star that was broken and re-welded it along with completing the four new stars and painted all five. Lights on two circuits were re-routed for better load distribution. A new water tank for the station was located.

Wednesday Vic continued to work on brass parts for the tender of 5427, Gil did a clean up and re-arranged things in the maintenance building and storage shed. Bill started on lights for the snowman and completed a star. Repairs were done to several light displays.

Thursday Bill took out five new stars mounting three in the west side dancing light display, one at Duck Lake and one in the front yard. While out four deer were found inside due to someone leaving the south gate open. The deer were removed and damage to 800 lights was found, returned to the station and repaired and re-installed. 300 lights along the south trail have also been ripped up by deer. Five window displays were repaired and put up. In total 500 lights were added to the display.

Friday a new star was completed and more work was done on the snowman.

Saturday Vic continued to work on detail parts for 5427's tender. Gil and Richard put up the main sign and did a number of other jobs related to the start of the Christmas run. Bill repaired a few last minute things on the display. The railway was operated on the first night by Brian, Fred, Gordon, Jim, Frank, Barry, Gil and Bill. Dwight built a sequence control for the snowman.

Sunday Gil did track maintenance in the afternoon and Bill repaired some deer damage to the display. The railway was operated in the evening by Jim, Fred, Richard, Dwight, Brian and Bill.

Monday Bill repaired some damage and completed and put out another star. Gil serviced the tracks. The railway was operated by Gordon, Jim and Bill.

Tuesday was a warmer day. Bill repaired some deer damage and Gil serviced the tracks. Three youth groups came, making for a busy night. The railway was operated by Barry, Brian, Gordon, Jim and Bill.

Wednesday Vic worked on tender parts and serviced a charger on 202. Phil M. milled more points. Frank got equipment ready for the evening. Gil checked trails for ice and sanded where needed. Bill repaired a candy cane and snowflake and checked the remainder of lights. The railway was operated by Frank, Vic, Richard, Ed T. and Bill. Dwight did repairs and worked on display electronics.

Thursday Gil maintained the track and Bill checked and repaired the lights. The railway was operated by Jim, Bill, Richard and Gordon.

Friday Gil serviced track and trails and Bill did admin work and repaired some light damage. The snowman was completed. The railway was operated by Becky, Phil, Barry, Jim, Gil, Bill and Gordon.

Saturday Vic continued to work on 5427's tender while Gil serviced the track and Bill did light repairs and completed the last star and put it and the snowman out in the display. The railway was operated for about 800 people by Brian, Phil M, Becky, Len, Helen, Fred, Gordon, Dwight, Ed T., Frank and Bill.

Sunday Dec 18, Gil serviced the tracks in the afternoon. Bill repaired and checked the lights and did other tasks. We had another mild night but snow in the late afternoon. Bill shovelled on the platform and yard paths while Len went around the track. It fortunately stopped during the run of another 800 passengers. The railway was operated by Richard, Jim & Carol, Len & Helen, Gordon, Brian, Barry, Ed M and Bill.

Monday Gil did track maintenance. Bill spent the morning doing club administration and the afternoon checking lights and repairing things. The railway was operated by Jim, Carol, Barry, Len and Bill.

Tuesday Gil did track maintenance in the afternoon. As it was a warmer day Bill checked the display for burned out lights on trail side lighting and replaced 41 bulbs. A candy cane was repaired and admin work was completed. The railway was operated for a large group by Richard, Gordon, Dwight, Phil S., Steven and Bill.

Wednesday Vic worked on tender detail parts, Gil serviced the track and with Bill got equipment out. Bill did admin work, cleaned up salt snow, repaired lights and other details. The railroad was operated by Fred, Vic, Len, Barry, Frank, Ed M., Ed T., and Bill.

Thursday Gil serviced the track and Bill repaired display features. The two got trains out prior to the run. The railroad was operated by Richard, Frank, Fred, Gordon, Barry, Brian, Steven, Jim and Bill. Tonight 6109 had a bolt loosen and 3001 had traction problems. Frank did running repairs on 6109.

Friday Dec 23rd, Gil serviced the track and got the trains out. Frank put a safety wire on the bolt holding in the drawbar on 6109 and with Bill got 25 onto the lift. Bill did admin work and checked all the lights. The railway had a record night with 1066 passengers and was operated by Gordon, Richard, Brian, Len and Helen, Dwight, Jim, Ed T. and Bill. 3001 was put in the engine house to get a couple of new traction motors and a gondola was put in for checking. Tonight we operated four trains.

Saturday Dec 24th Christmas Eve. Vic and Bill replaced a traction motor on 3001 and put her back into service. Frank checked a gondola. Gil serviced the track and set up the trains. The railway was operated by Phil M., Becky, Mary, Vic, Frank, Richard, Gordon and Bill.


Sunday Christmas Day, Bill repaired some lights and used 202 to make 4 trips with family guests. The lights were on but no public trains.

Monday Boxing Day Bill picked up some LEDs and four new flashlights and spent the afternoon repairing deer damaged lights. Gil serviced the tracks and put out the trains. The railway was operated by Richard, Gordon, Phil M., Becky, Len, Helen, Jim, Carol, Brian and Bill. A short developed on the road circuit and was checked by Bill and Len but will need tomorrow's light to repair. 

Tuesday the temperature dipped to seasonal. Gil serviced the track and got out the trains. Bill started the day with club admin jobs and then picked up some wireless speakers to improve the sound on trails. More LEDs were picked up on sale to make 2012 new projects. The early afternoon was spent finding the short on the road underground cable. A short was located between arch 13 and 14 and shorted wire was removed and remaining line was tested ok. As Bill is experiencing some back issues due to a re-rail on Christmas, Len came over and replaced the 7 feet of affected wire. The system was tested and put back into service. The railway was operated by Brian, Len, Ed T., Richard, Barry and Bill.

Wednesday Vic worked on traction motors all afternoon. Gil serviced the track removing a light snow and getting out the trains. Bill did admin work, shovelled the yard trails, Q area and station platform then repaired a string of lights, modified a swinging bell with Dwight's diodes and repaired an angel. The railway was operated for the second largest group this Christmas season by Phil M, Becky, Brian, Frank, Dwight, Ed. M., Len, Helen and Bill with Jim and Gordon helping for a short while.

Thursday Gil serviced the tracks and got out the equipment. Bill did admin work for the club and checked the lights finding deer had run through a string at the upper parking lot and taken a plug and extension cord. Also two arches at the Q had sockets separate. Due to Bill's bad back Frank made the needed repairs. The railway had a good group of riders needing three trains. The railway was run by Len, Ed T., Gordon, Frank, Barry, Brian and Bill. 3001 was retired early and replaced by 25 due to battery problems. Suspect charger problems.

Friday Dec 30th was a great day. Bill and Len corrected the problem on the charging system of 3001 and returned it to service. Gil serviced the tracks and got the trains out. Frank did some milling on tank car parts. Bill did admin jobs and repaired lights. The railway had 950 riders on up to four trains. The following members helped run things, Len and Helen, Phil and Becky, Frank, Richard, Gordon, Brian, Barry and Bill.

Saturday New Year's Eve, Frank did more milling, Vic worked on 5427's tender, Bill did admin jobs and fixed lights, Gil did track maintenance and Frank, Bill and Gil got the trains out. The railway was operated to a good number of riders by Phil, Becky, Emily, August, Gordon, Vic, Barry and Bill. Following the run the station was transformed into a banquet hall and those who worked the night had a buffet of Chinese food. 

Sunday New Years day, Bill repaired some two legged damage to lights and checked out a squirrel attack on the north trail. Admin work was carried out. Gil serviced the track. The railway was operated to a small but steady group of guests despite the light snow. The locomotive brushes made all the difference. Those who operated the railway were Frank, Richard, Len, Gordon, Brian and Bill.

Monday Bill did a supply run for more cups and TP. Some of the squirrel damage was repaired and the balance of the lights were inspected. Gil serviced the rails and got out two trains. Vic has been working at his home shop on rebuilding traction motors. The railway was operated by Len, Ed T., Frank, Dwight and Bill.

Tuesday Bill did admin work in the morning and repaired 24 squirrel chews in the afternoon restoring 800 lights. Gil serviced the tracks and got out the trains. The weather warmed up and we had 600 riders. The railway was operated by Barry, Richard, Len, Frank, Brian and Bill.

Wednesday Jan 4th. Vic realigned the maintenance building track and worked on the tender of 5427. Bill checked the lights and repaired 15 squirrel chews and repaired two groups damaged by 2 legged visitors. More squirrel damage was found. Gil serviced the tracks and got out the trains. The railway was operated by Fred, Vic, Len, Frank, Ed T., Ed M. and Bill.

Thursday Bill did admin tasks and checked all the lights repairing a few that needed repairs. Gil checked the tracks and got the trains out. The railway was operated by Richard, Brian, Fred, Dwight, Gordon, Frank and Bill. During the run we celebrated our 15,000th rider for the 2011/12 Christmas season with a picture and a 12 ride pass as gift.
Friday Gil serviced the track and got trains out. It snowed quite a bit through the day. Bill cleared the yard trails and "Q" area twice and Frank did the tracks. Gil did the area around the station platform. Due to ice the trains were kept short as the track was slippery. Bill did admin jobs. Len, Gordon, Frank, Phil and Becky, Fred and Bill ran the railway. During the run passenger 99 became our 200,000 rider since the first train rides were given in 1996. To mark the occasion Bill presented Nathan Penner and his mother Martina Penner two 12 ride passes and two pairs of holiday glasses. Pictures were taken to mark the occasion.
Saturday Bill did administration duties and checked lights while Gil serviced the tracks and got out the trains. Vic worked on 5427 and he, Barry and Bill had a meeting about a tube roller for 2365 and other railway projects. Dwight checked signals and switches. The railway was operated by Richard, Brian, Phil and Becky, Len, Dwight, Gordon and Bill.
Sunday Jan 8th The Last Night of the Christmas Run. Gil serviced the tracks and got out the trains. Bill repaired some damaged lights and checked the balance of the display. The railway was operated for a joyful bunch of riders by Barry, Ed M., Len, Fred, Phil S., Brian and Bill. The windup Buffet will be held in the Station for all members and partners who helped with the run on Saturday Jan 14th at 5:30 pm.
Monday Bill did admin jobs for the club and changed the signage along with closing the upper parking area and turning of unneeded lights. The lights were on for the evening to finish off the season. A number of people took the opportunity to walk around and enjoy the warm January night.
Tuesday  Bill cleared off the tracks to Duck Lake storage building and with 202 brought back to the station one outside braced box car and the stock car for measurements. The holiday specs were put away and other Christmas supplies were stored. Accounting and other admin jobs were worked on.
Wednesday Vic worked on 5427's tender and with Phil M. took 6109 out of the maintenance building and put it on the rack in the engine house along with 25. Phil cleaned up and did some milling on points. Bill did some layout work on the proposed ore cars and prepared some castings for duplication.
Thursday Bill drew up scale plans with cutting dimensions for the proposed ore cars and started to gather data on available material and dimensions for the stock cars. 
Friday Bill drew up plans for the wood cutting of the two stock cars and steel sill dimensions.
Saturday Gordon and Bill moved the caboose to the engine house, put two gondolas in the car barn and put the stock car and box car in the dog house. The two then cleared out the station and set up the tables for the evening banquet. Ed T and his wife and Bill rolled up several boxes of lights in the upper parking area. Phil M. spent time machining the new base for the shear. At 5:30 twenty one members of the club sat down to a Chinese Buffet in celebration of the completion of the most successful Christmas light run. We had a similar number of riders in 2006 however it took 5 weeks while this season was only 4 weeks so definitely a record year. Bill and Gil spent time planning certain wood cuts and methods for building the cars that are planned.
Sunday Bill removed the coupler and cover plate from the caboose. We do not know where Peter got the casting so Bill will make a mould and cast the parts at the AVR. Later in the afternoon Bill made up two mould boxes. One for the end casting and the other for the brake wheel housing and mounted the two pieces ready for making the mould. During the afternoon Barry, Phil S. and Steven pulled 6612 and removed the water pump for repairs and the cylinder valves were disassembled to look for the nagging problem and Barry feels that it was how the locomotive was originally built by Mason. Different ways to repair were discussed and the locomotive was re-racked. Bill shut down the lights at 10:00 pm for the last time until next Christmas. A number of people took advantage of the last look and the milder temperatures. Lights can now be taken down starting on the railway and on the bush trails.
In all the railway ran for 29 days plus Christmas Day when only family got rides. Of those 29 days Gil serviced the tracks and cleared snow all 29 days as well as putting out equipment on most of them. Bill operated the railway all 30 days looking after admin jobs and clearing snow on the yard paths during the day. Fortunately there were no large snowfalls. The following members helped during the run helping to make the whole thing possible; Gordon, Brian, Len, Richard, Frank , Jim, Barry, Phil M., Fred, Becky, Ed T., Dwight, Helen, Vic, Ed M, Carol , Phil S., Steven, Emily, August and Mary. Twenty three people in all kept the rails working.
Tuesday Bill picked up moulding rubber and plastic casting material and cast the moulds using masters that Peter had carved. A couple of sets of plastic castings were made from the original moulds. 
Wednesday Vic worked on 5427 tender parts and Phil M worked on milling a new brake plate. Gil made up some wood spacers for the couple pockets that Bill made up for the ore cars. Phil and Gil discussed wheel templates for a proposed Jubilee and with Vic discussed and planned to make roof walk bases to save casting them. Bill poured two more moulds and cast two sets of plastic parts. Peter left us with a collection of wood detail part patterns for the cars that we will build this year.
Thursday Bill released the two moulds and made up boxes for two more moulds and cast four sets of castings using the previously made moulds.
Friday Gil cut up the roof walk bases from wood for the two stock cars. Bill released two sets of moulds and cast five sets of new castings and started the clean up on brake wheels. Peter's original caboose brake wheel mould self-destructed but four wheels where produced first.
Saturday Bill reassembled the caboose coupler end and took needed dimensions from the caboose to get the base and wall plywood cut. Several more sets of castings where poured. Phil M. worked on the mill on the new base plate for the shear. Dwight worked on some small parts. Gil, Barry, Len, Dwight, Phil and Bill had a discussion on coupler choices and other railway projects. Gil disconnected a group of arches around the railway ready for transport.
Sunday Bill continued to cast more parts completing the needed amount on a number of styles and cleaning up some parts. Barry and Steven did some work on 6612 in the engine house.
Monday Bill had cut and picked up two 1 inch bases for both the caboose and stock cars and the six base boards and 12 side walls for the ore cars. Three sides for caboose where also cut. Three more sets of castings where made and a new mould box was made and rubber was poured. Vic spent the afternoon servicing the milling machine. Bill printed up 16 copies of the "Nutty Report"
Tuesday Bill cast five parts with the new mould and a number of small parts. Envelopes where addressed and reports labelled and stuffed. 19 more copies where printed. Ink cartridges where filled three times. It takes a lot of coloured ink to print our report.
Wednesday Jan 25th, Vic worked on the detail parts on 5427's tender and did more research on 2365's tube roller needs. Phil M. continued to do milling work on the part for our shear. Gil and Bill transferred wood to his van for detail cutting. Bill cast three more sets of parts and sanded and de-flashed 18 brake housings and six caboose end detail plates. 11 more Nutty Reports where printed and made ready for mailing.
Thursday Bill did club admin tasks and cast the last of the large parts and a few sets of small valve parts. With the nice weather Bill brought in 20 arches off the west part of the railway.
Friday Bill did admin tasks and brought in 10 track side arches, a candy cane, three stars and two crates of lights.
Saturday Vic worked on 5427's tender water hatch details and started making a rubber roll device for 2365. Barry spent some time on the project. We were visited by a guest from out of town. Bill de-flashed 10 cast sill plates for the ore cars and started de-flashing 30 of the 50 stake pockets. Ed T did some clean up filing on the parts. When Richard arrived he along with Ed T and Bill took down and stored the upper parking fence panels. Later Richard and Bill took down and put away six of the 12 ft arches and 2 six foot arches. Gordon, Richard and Bill removed all the crates from the lower display storage building making it ready to receive displays. Dwight did work on plans on the new computer.
Monday Vic worked on the hatch for the tender of 5427. Phil S. and Steven reassembled the upper pistons on 6612 getting her ready for timing. Bill spent a good part of the day doing year end bookwork for the club. A start on the financial statement was made.
Wednesday Vic continued to work on 5427's tender. Bill cast two sets of retainer valve castings and cleaned up the dirt in 2365's fire box and removed the stack.
Thursday Bill cast more retainer valves and fastened the lower and upper parts together on four. The remaining 25 stake pockets were sanded and filled. All valve face castings were de-flashed waiting for sanding. The first wall and end panel for the ore cars was marked and scribing has started.
Friday Len reports that some metal stirrups for ore cars have been made. Bill completed the first wall and end panel and is half way through the second. Four sets of retainer parts where cast and three were trimmed and fastened together. The agenda for the AGM was set up. Anyone wishing to add a topic should call. The new cast three way valves had their initial flashing removed.
Saturday 4th of Feb. An extraordinarily warm day for Winnipeg, Richard, Gordon, Ed T. and Bill took advantage of the day to complete the take-down of all Christmas displays in the south 500 feet of the display including arches, lines and camels. Back at the engine house Phil M worked on the mill making good progress on the shear plate. Vic continued work on the water hatch for 5427 and Barry used a hard rubber tube expander on the front tubes of 2365. Frank filled the boiler with water and a hydro test was done to 200 PSI to check the boiler for seeping. Between Barry, Vic, Frank and Bill all appeared to be tight. Frank drained the boiler and replaced the safety valves. Bill wanted the locomotive left out as the front cylinder gaskets need to be checked and it is time to replace the o-rings on the brake cylinder. While on the lift the locomotive needs a good cleaning. Bill scribed and filed 1.5 panels for the ore cars and made two sets of castings and assembled 3 retainer valves and sanded all three way valves. Dwight did design and planning work on the signal system.
Sunday Bill cast on the three detail trim pieces to each of eight three way valves, assembled three more retainer valves and de-flashed and sanded the eight piston cylinders. Several hours were spent at plus 4 degrees taking down arches, candy canes and trail lighting from the south main trail. The minutes and agendas for the AGM were printed out.
Monday Bill completed the last three retainer valves and cleaned up the remainder of the cylinder castings repairing some air holes. One side and end panel was scribed and filed and another was measured and marked. The front smoke box cover of 2365 was replaced and the front cylinder gaskets where checked and tightened. The right hand running board and walkway was removed along with the injector to gain access to the main brake cylinder that was removed for maintenance and was found to need a new gasket and o-ring.
Tuesday 60 years on the throne, congratulations. Vic continued to work on the tender details and helped Bill get out the steel for frames. Barry came by with some gasket material. Bill scribed and filed two wall units and made a gasket, replaced the O-ring and reassembled the brake cylinder.
Wednesday Bill scribed and filed two wall panels for the ore cars and cut steel up for two caboose sills and one stock car sill along with 16 - 2 inch by 1/2" steel bars for the bolster bars for four cars.
Thursday Bill ordered and picked up more steel for the cars. Two side panels were scribed and filed. A sill for the stock car was cut along with four sills for ore cars and 24 bolster bars. Phil M made up an activity report for 2011.
Friday Bill did some ore car design work and worked on the 2011 financial report for the AGM.
Saturday Bill completed the scribing and filing of the last two side panels. Vic continued to work on the hinges for the water hatch on 5427. Bill re-installed the brake cylinder and lubricator on 2365, replacing all piping and running boards. Richard went back to taking down Christmas displays and was joined by Gordon, Ed T. and Fred. Together the four completed putting road arches away and winding up trail lighting and numerous other items. Bill removed the left injector from 2365 and put it in WD40 to free up the parts. Dwight updated computer files and did some corrections to the web page. Bill welded pieces of 1" x 2" steel tube together and cut two sills for ore cars then cut up channel and laid up the first stock car frame for welding.
Sunday Feb 12th Bill completed the financial report for the AGM next Saturday and welded the first frame for a stock car fixing on the bolster bars. The second frame for an ore car was clamped together.
Monday Bill set up frames and welded all day completing the main frame on five ore cars and the second stock car.
Tuesday Vic continued to work on the hinges on the water hatch for 5427's tender. Bill welded the last frame for the ore cars and the first frame of the caboose.
Wednesday Phil M. spent more time on the milling machine making the new brake plate. Bill welded the last of the frames together and did administration tasks.
Thursday Gil and Bill had a meeting to plan the dimensions of the new car floors and other details related to the cars. Bill cut and prepared 20 threaded tub nuts to be used to mount the king pins in cars. 160 pilot holes were drilled in 10 frames followed by 20 holes for king pins and 20 holes for mounting nuts. Six frames had their king pin nuts welded in the tubes.
Friday Bill took down a large number of lights and completed the king pin nut welding on the remaining four frames and then drilled out the 80 mounting holes on all frames and drilled the 80 counter sink holes.
Saturday Feb 18th. Bill cut 24 of the 1" x 1/2" channel for addition to the frames and cut the 40 bearing plates for the truck side slides. Vic put the hinge pin in the tender hatch and cleaned out 2365's left injector and put it back on the locomotive. Bill and Frank re-racked the locomotive. Frank cleaned up the station and set it up for the station and then cleaned up the flash on six aluminium sills. Phil M. continued to work with the mill on the brake plate. Richard and Fred took down a quantity of trail lights around the bush. At 2:00 pm the annual meeting started and ran smoothly until 4 pm when we completed the meeting and approved the projects. At 5:30 a group of the members sat down to a Chinese buffet. After supper the station was cleaned up and trains put back inside.
Sunday Bill got a 5 ft piece of channel and cut it into 9 pieces for the caboose and updated the web.
Monday Len completed the 24 stirrups for the six ore cars. Bill cut up all remaining channel for car frames and started welding the 40 bearing plates onto the bolsters on the frames. Len assisted with the placing and clamping, with two people it went very fast. Vic started to organize the purchase of trucks and couplers.
Tuesday Feb 21 Bill updated the web.
Saturday Vic spent a lot of time over the last few days arranging for the clubs purchase of 20 steel couplers and 3 pair of Mountain Car trucks. Phil M. completed the re-manufacturing of the steel shear plate for the engine house brake. Richard and Fred dismantled the illuminated Christmas train and stored it away. Gordon drilled holes in the 40 channels that will be added to the new car frames and drilled and taped the 20 aluminium truck washers. Gil sanded the backs of the window frames.
Sunday Bill updated the web and runs 1920 in the snow in Vancouver. Last year's travel to Red River and St. Croix has been updated on the web under Railways we Have Visited.
Friday March 9th Bill visited VIME in the rain. Switch replacement is underway next to the steaming bay.
Saturday March 10th Wayne and Gil worked on caboose window frames while Ed T., Phil M., Barry, Ed M., and Dwight worked on other projects.
Saturday March 17th. Those attending at the track were Dwight, Frank, Dwayne, Gil, Ed M, and Barry. Started repairs on extensively damaged switch at West Tunnel, replaced sluggish motor in Charleswood West switch machine. Explore options for moving south track by station one or two paving stones south. Gil took new member Wayne on first train ride of 2012 season. Forecast for Sunday is 26 degrees C or 79 F and it is still winter.
Wednesday Vic worked on 5427's tender detail. During the period Gil cleaned up the station floor and gave it a fresh coat of paint. It looks good. Gil and Len got the lift out so Len can work on his cars.
Friday the 23rd. Bill spent the day putting Christmas displays in the shed and receiving back the displays leant to a movie production. Around the yard the three nativity sets were dismantled and stored along with arches, candy canes and a start on the station.
Saturday Bill continued to take down station lights and was joined by Richard and took in the large wheels and when joined by Gordon took the lower parking fence down. Gil arrived with the 10 cut to length car floors and put them in the station. Phil spent the afternoon machining switch points while Vic worked on 5427. Dwight repaired the tunnel cut off switch, inspected the track and un-spiked the switches. Wayne helped Bill get 3001 out and the two loaded it with full light boxes and took them to upper storage and returned to Chapman were Gil was gathering lights. Wayne and Bill joined in and together completed the area. Gordon and Richard worked on objects on the old line and in the Amur Glen area. Bill took another load of lights to upper storage and re-loaded the train at Amur Glen and put the equipment away. In the evening Bill mounted the first frame onto the floor and positioned and screwed on the small channel pieces.
Sunday Bill completed the assembly of the six ore car and two stock car floor and frame assemblies along with the support channels. Bill also made up a loading diagram for the Train Mountain trailer loading. Len made up the 20 new king pins.
Monday Bill worked on small brake mounting brackets and fabricated wood mounts for the four older style K- brake assembly. Brackets (8) were made of steel for four regular air reservoirs and four steel brackets were made and drilled for the three-way valves. Two wood reservoirs were sanded that Gil had made and two additional were cast with left over plastic. In all eight castings were poured.
Tuesday Bill mounted the old style brake assemblies to their mounting blocks and mounted the four new style air reservoirs to their brackets. Rods and turnbuckles were picked up along with screws and brads for car construction. In the afternoon one ore car bottom was completed with brake detail installed and rods and queen posts installed. A start was made on car two. Pictures were added to the ore car page.
Wednesday Vic spent the afternoon working on 5427. Phil M. worked on the mill machining switch points. Len picked up his three cars so he can complete the brake installation at home. Gil and Bill went over the needed cuts for the ore car sides and ends and Gil loaded them to do it in his carpentry shop. Bill completed the rods and brake details on two cars and then added king pins, end sills, lower stirrups on all three ore car floors.
Thursday Bill picked up 2000 drive screws and 3 more rods. Car floor for #4 was completed and floor #5 was started with rods being completed and king pins mounted. To see pictures of progress see the page on the ore cars.
Friday March 30th. Bill completed car #5 and commenced work on car #6. Len made up an additional 20 large aluminium pads for truck mounting so we have extras for the three ride-astride and tank car that are in the planning stage. Len also took his locomotive to his home shop to do some repair work and install a hand pump. Gil returned all the ore car sides that he has cut to length and the support timbers for the sides. 12 side walls and 12 end walls and 16 timbers for each car.
Saturday another unbelievably warm day. Vic spent the afternoon working on 5427 getting her ready for TM. Phil M. spent the afternoon on the milling machine working on switch points. Frank spent his time cutting steel for the tank car project he is working on. Bill spent the morning drilling and putting drive screws in 16 upright timbers and completed the last of six ore car frames. Gil brought his small potable upright belt sander and bevelled the bottoms of all the side timbers for the ore cars so they would fit in the stake pockets. Len arrived with a supply of safety chain material and made up enough chains for 13 cars. Richard. Gordon. Gil, Len, Wayne and Bill spent the afternoon taking down and storing Christmas lights completing a good deal of the takedown work including dancing stars and station lights. The lower storage building is bulging. Dwight spent time relocating insulated joints on the track east of the station, unloading and storing assorted 2 x 4s and storing away the switch covers used during snow periods. Bill spent the evening driving in more rivets and assembling the first end.
Sunday April 1st another glorious day. After lunch Bill glued on all remaining side and end timbers and assembled the first ore box for the new cars and screwed on the stake pockets and set up a jig for making another twelve timbers. About 3000 lights were removed from the front of the yard and stored away. The web page was updated along with ore car pictures.
Monday Bill got out a set of used trucks and put them on one of the car bases and planted the ore box on top applying all the bottom screws in place so that car one is ready for paint. The afternoon was spent making up more timbers with drive screws and affixing them to a pair of sides and ends.
Tuesday Bill fastened all the pieces into ore box number 2 and setting up a frame and floor with a pair of trucks mounted the box on top and it is ready for painting. Bill drilled out enough posts for a third car and fixed them onto two sides and an end. Weiser lock is sending us a new door handle to fix one of our passage sets.
Wednesday Bill assembled the remaining end on box three and completed the ore box. A third set of trucks were mounted on a chassis assembly and the car was completed. Vic repaired a kink on the propane line of 2365 with a new fitting and spent more time on 5427's tender. Gil cut up some extra end timbers and went over dimensions for trim pieces and stock car roofs and side and end pieces. Bill set up the trucks and floor assembly for car four and completed all drive screws and fabrication of two sides and two ends and then made up 12 support timbers. Administration work was done.
Thursday Bill assembled box number four and fixed it to the base making up another car. The afternoon and evening was spent driving in the balance of the screws and making up all needed support timbers along with finishing both sides and ends for car number five and mounting it on the frame. The first side of car six was fabricated.
Good Friday. Bill assembled the remaining three sides and fashioned the box and mounted it on the last frame. We now have six new cars ready for painting and lettering. Some yard work and Christmas lights were dealt with.
Saturday Frank was the first to arrive and worked on the end sills and their steel back plate for the tank car and then re-contacted on the missing journal box covers on the trucks under the six ore cars. His last task was cutting up six lengths of chain for the ore car brake housing. Bill cut up a supply of hanger wire. Bill drilled out all cast brake wheels and brake housings and then finished off six of the housing by fixing on the brake wheel and drilling mounting holes and chain holes in the base and gluing in the chain. Bill made up two grab irons and one ladder rung and showed Wayne how to make up grab irons and Wayne cut and bent up 37 during the afternoon. Richard and Gordon took advantage of the good weather and continued with storing away Christmas displays. Gil measured up trim pieces for the ore cars. Dwight did some work on the computer. Vic fabricated some hinge parts for 5427. Ed painted the last of the winter switch snow covers. Bill put a layer of shellac on the inside of three ore cars and installed five grab irons and spent the evening making up the lettering design for the two stock cars and six ore cars.
Easter Sunday Gil cut up the small trim pieces for the ore car end platforms. Bill printed out a set of lettering and after cutting it up taped in on the car body to see how it will look.
Monday Bill sanded, fitted and glued on the trim pieces on three ore cars. Made up ten ladder rungs and installed grab irons on three cars. Three brake housings had their pipes added and mounted on the "B" ends of the three cars along with their retainer valves. Bolt castings were added to the grab irons and 20 ladder rungs were nailed on. Frank arrived with a set of cast driver wheels for the locomotive he intends to build. Frank made up 10 ladder rungs for the ore cars.
Tuesday Gil did some additional cutting of small pieces and took delivery of the next two sheets of plywood that Bill picked up and had cut into strips for the stock car roofs and one caboose side plus stock car ends. Bill made up a new mould for nut detail as the old mould had deteriorated. Bill made up 10 more ladder rungs and installed the balance of the nut details. The first car was shellacked on the outside.
Wednesday Gil cut to length the four stock car roof panels. Gordon came with a fresh supply of coat hangers. Barry came to check on propane connections at TM. Len started the machining on the five pair of couplers he has. Bill completed all the detail on the first three cars and after some sanding put a coat of shellac on two of the cars. in the afternoon Bill played musical chairs with all six cars by moving them outside and reversing their order and putting the finished three on a storage track in the engine house and the other three on the lift. Bill made five casting pours and installed all wood pieces for the car end decks and installed the three retainer valves and pipe and the three brake housing and wheel along with chain and piping. Screw holes were filled and sanded. For an update on the progress go to (ORE CARS).
Thursday Bill spent the morning completing the corner wood trim on the ore cars and then drilled and mounted the side grab irons placing nut detail on most of them. Vic worked on his door holder on the tender and replaced the propane line with on in stainless cover. He and Barry went over requirement to connect to the TM tank cars. Len picked up springs and other parts for the couplers he is building. Phil S. and Steven arrived with their tender that has been re-built over the winter and put it on the lower dolly placing the caboose on track four in the car barn. Bill made up 15 ladder rungs and put them in place on three car ends and over the day made up eight casting pours consisting of two brake housings, three wheels, eight journal box covers and 64 nut details for grab irons. The inside of three cars got a coat of shellac.
Friday Bill continued to cast parts making up 6 more journal covers, one brake housing and 48 nut castings. Ten more grab irons were bent and 6 where installed. Fifteen ladder rungs were made and five were put in place. Three cars had most of their outsides shellacked. Fun run flyers were printed up. (ORE CARS) 
Saturday Bill completed the install of the last 4 grab irons and 10 ladder rungs.  Twenty nut castings were put on and the remaining parts of the upper cars got their coat of shellac. Frank arrived and cleaned up nine new cast journal covers and glued them on and he straightened up a number of lower sturops that were not straight. Richard and Gordon continued their labour of putting away Christmas display including 20 track arches and wrapped trees. Dwight did some survey work with Ed on replacing the track in front of the station. Ed machined 16 air tank end details and glued them on. Fred helped Bill take the six ore cars out of the engine house and he moved 202 out and got the cars put on the station table. Bill put a coat of shellac on the underside and frame of the 6 cars. Wayne made up the grab irons for the two stock cars and with Fred went out with 3001 to deliver several loads of display material and to get Wayne some practice on a diesel. Len had completed the machining and assembly of four pairs of couplers and then made up two additional centring assemblies for the next pair. Vic worked on 5427's tender hatch and also re-assembled the station door passage set now that the replacement handle has arrived. Bill put away the trains and set up the floor and frame of a stock car for brake detail and king pins. Dwight did some switch maintenance.
Sunday Bill drilled out the coupler bolt holes and mounted five pairs of couplers on ore cars. The lettering was set up for the cabooses.
Monday April 16th. Bill mounted the brake castings, sturups and king pins on the first stock car frame and floor. Next task was to sand, mark, scribe and file the four roof panels for the new stock cars. A task that a year ago took three week was done now in one day. Vic arrived and completed the installation of the water fill hatch on 5427. He and Bill put 5427 together back on its storage track.
Tuesday Bill completed the computer generation for the car lettering and took it to the decal maker for vinyl letters. During the afternoon the second stock car floor, frame assembly was completed.
Wednesday Frank picked up the heavy steel bar for bolsters that will be needed on the four cars he is working on. Gil and Bill discussed paint procedures for the ore cars and wood cuts for the stock cars. Bill put a log car on the shop table and drilled out four brake housings and glued in the chains. The rods were made and all parts were painted. The first brake wheel was installed on one car and scratched paint was touched up. 3001 was taken out and the two short flatcars and one gondola was taken to Duck Lake storage. The three new outside braced box cars were brought back and spare building materials were unloaded. Cars were stored on track 2 along with a gondola to have brakes checked for TM.
Thursday Bill picked up safety hooks and drilled the 24 holes in the ore car end sills and screwed in the safety hooks in all 6 cars. Next task was to paint the underside of four of the cars.
Friday Bill touched up paint on a log car and installed the brake wheel and linkage and painted two ore car bottoms. Gil cut up wood for the stock cars and helped Bill move a log car out of the engine house. Bill used 202 to get a triple stack of log cars from Duck Lake and put one on the table and did needed touch-up and installed its brake wheel. Ed helped Bill move the second car out and put two cars in the engine house and they both got touch-up work, brake wheels and replacement of five lost journal covers.
Saturday Bill sanded and installed the three detail parts to the valves on two log cars and painted the second underside coat of paint on all 6 ore cars. Vic and Barry came to check on railroad progress. Gil arrived with cut wood for stock car sides and ends. Richard and Gordon took the last three loads of Christmas displays to upper storage and then re-spiked 30 feet of rail at Old Fort siding. Bill and Wayne moved the log cars to track and took all four to Duck Lake storage and put logs on each and stored away. The two then put trucks back on the 6 ore cars and put three on the lift and the others on tables. Ed put the first coat of paint on all six insides. Dwight repaired and checked switches and calculated how many ties would need to be prepared to do the track in front of the station. Vic measured the hose for 5427 between the tender and a TM tank car. Bill and Gil discussed some tree removal and sign repair. Richard and Gordon put the trains away. Bill did more touch up paint on ore cars now that they are upright and painted the new journal covers. LOG CARS UPDATE
Sunday April 21st. Bill moved four ore cars out of the engine house and stored in the station dog house. The four log cars got extra logs. A stock car base unit was placed on a set of trucks and two ends were scribed and nailed and glued in place. Four three inch and four five and a quarter wood strips were scribed for the top and bottom sides and nailed and glued in place. Rides were given to grand kids. So nice to be snow free.
Monday Bill drilled, filed and mounted the end sills on the first stock car. The four corners were cut and marked for holes. After marking the hole locations a punch was used to locate the hole. Using the drill press all holes were drilled. Using the dremal all flash was removed. The corners were placed in place and all pilot holes were drilled followed by nailing in all small nails. Some angles and two zed braces were mounted like the corners. See progress on New Stock Cars.
Tuesday Bill cut and nailed and glued an inside top frame for the walls of the stock car and a support shelf from side to side over the door for electronics if we install them and to add strength to the slatted car. Completed the last corner and upper angle iron and door framing. Gil cut up a supply of the 5/8" slat material.
Wednesday Gil prepared the 60" long 5/8" slats for the stock cars and measured what was needed for the roof frames. Bill drilled upright Zed pieces and door angles marking and punching for 204 drill holes then using the drill press drilled the needed holes followed by sanding the pieces and doing the 204 pilot holes and nailing all pieces in place. Twelve 60" pieces of slat material were sanded and cut into 24 - 23.5" lengths which were spaced and nailed into the car.
Thursday Bill fabricated two more angle Zee bracing supports and nailed them in place and cut and marked a third.
Friday Gil continued to work on roof framing and Bill measured and cut and drilled 5 more angles and nailed on three. The 10 grab irons were installed and all nails got a coat of shellac.
Saturday in the morning Bill completed the install of the last two angular Zee braces and using the Dremel cut off all protruding nails from the inside of the car. Phil had to make fixture changes to the mill in order to continue with the job of manufacturing switch points. Frank used the belt sander to clean up detail castings for the stock car.  Vic had a short propane hose made up with fittings to connect a TM tank car to 5427 and then went looking for a suspected propane leak on one tank car. It was found and will need a new valve. Car 105 was then put on the saw horses for brake inspection and repaired as needed. Bill assisted by putting a layer of silfos on a damaged copper line. Len arrived with the last pair of couplers and Bill installed them on an ore car. Dwight continued to do switch and signal maintenance. Richard took the leaf blower to Winch spur and cleaned out the organic material and Gordon with 3001 picked up the two ballast hoppers and filled them four times at our ballast pile and delivered them to Winch were he and Richard spread them on the spur. Richard smoothed the ballast out and swept the track between loads. Gil got a load of six foot treated tie material and sawed up 150 fifteen inch ties for the station track replacement project.  Wayne used his chain saw on a downed tree along the north trail and then had to re-locate the electrical box and overhead line to a post installed for the purpose. Bill and Wayne started the first of eight car side ladders for the stock cars. Richard, Gordon and Bill put away the equipment. Bill retrieved the damaged ASH GROVE and CHARLESWOOD station signs and sanded off the old lettering and cleaned them up and put on a first coat of paint on both sides.
Sunday Bill started machining the gusset castings and strengthening plates and nailed them in place on the stock car along with bolt detail along the bottom. Phil S and Steven pulled out their Pacific and installed tubulators down the flews. Bill started to build the first ladder and put a second coat of paint on the signs..
Monday Bill completed the first ladder and built two more and fastened them onto the stock car. Twenty nut details were sanded, ground and filled and glued onto the grab irons and all remaining gussets and plates were filed, trimmed and installed. Gil continued on the roof frames. Bill discovered the south tunnel gate was left open and four deer were chased out. The next Nutty Report was started. The two signs got new letters deco paged on with a coat of Virathan.
Tuesday the signs got another coat of Virathan. The last ladder was made and installed. The last two Zed supports were cut, drilled, sanded and nailed onto the "A" end of the car. The door track for the hatch on the "B" end was made up using 1/4" channel and four wood doors were cut for both cars. The inside and outside of the car got a coat of shellac.
Wednesday Bill made up the hatch frame for the "A" end. Gil worked on the roof frame. Both Bill and Gil took all six ore cars to the steaming bay for spray painting. Vic sprayed all six cars with Bill and Gil assisting with fetching and preparing. The operation was cleaned up. Bill painted the inside of all six cars and did some touch-up then loaded them back on the track and took them on their first around the railway trip and stored them in the south dog house track and put the other equipment away.
Thursday Bill picked up the lettering. Gil worked on roof frames. Bill completed the install of the hatch door on the "A" end. Gil and Bill put two ore cars on the station table and Bill put lettering on one side of two cars. The re-furbished Ash Grove sign was put back in location.
Friday Bill completed the vinyl lettering on ore cars 240 and 250. In the afternoon Gil brought over the first stock car roof frame with the deck fastened on. He and Bill removed the completed two ore cars from the station table and put two other cars in their place and Bill put the lettering on cars 260 and 270 both sides. It is taking one hour to letter each side. The stock car got paint on 3/4 of the sides. Bill worked on the next copy of the "Nutty Report".
Saturday May 5th, Bill completed the "Nutty Report" and moved four piles of leaves from in front of the station. The trains were taken out and Gil helped Bill change ore cars on the station table waiting for lettering. Phil M. spent his time working on the mill making switch points. Vic worked on the tank car replacing a valve. A new hose will need to be made up. Richard and Gordon went around the railway and collected all the garbage that had accumulated over the winter months and then with the leaf blower went to prepare the Old Fort spur for some ballast work. Wayne spent his time making up two of the ladders for the next stock car. Gil completed the second roof unit for the stock car and fitted one on the first car and then transported a load of tie material for cutting. Dwight with assistance from Ed made needed calculations on what track panels will need to be made for replacing the track in front of the station. Bill cut up all the lettering for the last two ore cars and lettered one side of one car. Bill also made repairs to the broken brake wheel on Peter's original stock car and then made the corner brackets and mounted the pair of roof top grab irons on the stock car roof.
Sunday Bill completed the lettering on all six ore cars and spent the afternoon printing 38 copies of the "Nutty Report" and putting them in envelopes. Later the first stock car roof got its roof walk support brackets nailed in place.
Monday the last 11 "Nutty Reports" were printed and 15 dues due letters were prepared. Bill made some fine tuning to the roof and cut off protruding nails with the Dremel tool. Gil cut up the larger door pieces and more moulding strips and roof walk slats. Bill measured, cut, filled the top moulding for the stock car and cut off the nails. Next task was to take the "Nutty Reports" to the post office and finished the day by laying out and marking the parts for the first of four side doors.
Tuesday Bill nailed all the parts together for the first stock car door and started on 50% of the second door. All wood parts for all four doors were cut to length. 1/4" by 12 inch angles have run out and we will need 8 more pieces to complete the second car. Also 1/4 " flat strips times 16" have run out and 8 pieces will be needed for car #2. All other steel pieces are in good supply. The roof of car # 1 plus one door got its coat of shellac and the door track and door track support were installed. 
Wednesday Bill put a coat of shellac on the roof unit and completed the first coat of paint on the stock car inside and out and did the inside of the roof unit. The second door was completed and all got a coat of shellac. The roof walks got a coat of paint. Gil came to check that all wood parts were cut correctly and they were. Gil has done a good job in the wood department. Len took a pair of couplers off ore cars as they were binding and machined them and returned them to service. Bill painted the top surface of the stock car roof. Small detail parts were ordered from Branch Line products to add extra details like door trolleys etc.
Thursday Bill put the final coat of paint on all sides, ends, roof and doors of the first stock car.
Friday Bill spent part of the morning doing club admin jobs. In the afternoon the roof walks were nailed in place and the stock car was lettered. The door were temporarily fitted and some trim pieces were cut and added.
Saturday May 12th, Bill started to scribe, file and sand the ends and side pieces for the second stock car. Gil spent the afternoon straightening the rails through our two tunnels. Vic continued test fitting parts for the tank car. Richard and Gordon continued with their spur track up-grade with new ballast on the Old Fort spur and a start on the South Duck Lake spur. Frank sanded and cleaned up the flash on the gusset and support pads for the second stock car. Dwight designed the panels needed for the track in front of the station. Bill and Gil moved the stock car to the station and put it upside down on saw horses so painting could be completed on the underside. Bill put all trains away after testing ore cars on three runs.
The car being upside down allowed missed detail to get painted and the whole under side given a coat of shellac and a first coat of paint.
Sunday Bill put a final coat of paint on the underside of the stock car and replaced the trucks. The second car got its ends and sides glued and nailed in place. As 202 was out and the ore cars needed a good test Bill went around the rails about a dozen times and lubricated the tracks as well.
Monday Bill glued and clamped the stiffening timbers on the inside of the car just under the roof line and nailed in the cross support and machined the two end sills and screwed them in place. Vic arrived with John and our order of 10 pairs of couplers and fittings for our cars with brakes. Bill cut, filled, sheered, pre-drilled and nailed on all four corner pieces.
Tuesday Bill put all 1/2" angle around the top of the stock car and put on the door angles and added all 12 slats to one side. The brake wheel shaft bracket at the bottom of the first stock car was fabricated and installed.
Wednesday Bill cut, measured, punched, drilled and sanded four zed braces for the second stock car. Phil M. started up the Suburban and fabricated by cutting, grinding and welding a short train rack that will hold #25 and a hopper car for St. Croix. Bill cut and drilled out two coupler pivots and put the springs into a pair. Gil worked on cutting the surplus wood out of the door on stock car 725. We all got 2365 out of the engine house and Bill steamed her up and went around the railway testing the left injector and steam brake. She was left wet for the Fun Run on Saturday. Gil and Bill rotated the stock car and moved a set of couplers from an ore car to the stock car and putting the new couplers in the ore car. Bradley assisted Bill by removing the four back seats from the van and Bill anchored down the locomotive rack ready for St. Croix and Train Mountain.
Thursday Gil completed the cutting and filing of the door opening and stock car 725. Bill painted all the cut wood. Bill installed the four zed braces and made up two angles for the other door opening and then cut, sanded and installed the 12 slats on the other side of the car. Grass was cut in front of the station and food supplies were purchased for the fun run BBQ.
Friday May 18th. Bill made up four zed braces for the left side of both sides of the stock car and then added the wood sils onto the doors on car 725 and gave them two coats of paint. The afternoon was spent planting flowers around the station.
Saturday was The Fun Run day but it poured until after 5 pm so not much got done in the way of fun. Frank took 3001 and picked up a whole group of cars but as the rain did not let up he put them away. He also steamed up 2365 and made a few trips. The members who had planned a full day stayed home. Richard and Bill watched a movie and Dwight showed a CN demo film on switches. Wayne worked on the second two ladders. Bill mounted the four left zed upright braces and then made up and mounted the eight diagonal braces and two for one end. About 6 pm the rain stopped and sun came out so Bill steamed up 2365 and added cars and Ian and Catherine were taken for some rides and Dwight passed his steam test. Ian then got a turn and equipment was put away. 
Sunday Bill operated 2365 for his granddaughters 10th birthday. 2365 was in steam for 7 hours. Phil M did some additional work on the Suburban rack and then with Becky loaded #25 and a hopper car. The stock car got some additional nails and the last two end zed braces were cut, drilled and mounted.
Monday Victoria Day Bill completed the pre drilling and nailing of 400 brads on the stock car. 3001 and its riding car were taken to the loading area and while on the lift the brake air line connector was changed to the new style on the locomotive and also on the riding car. The coupler pocket springs were replaced on the operator car and both pieces of equipment were loaded in the van for St. Croix and hold down brackets were made up and applied. 202 with a string of cars where run around the railway lubricating the corners and while out on the line a broom was used to clean a build-up of debris off the Duck Lake car storage building roof. One of the ore car couplers needed some repairs and this was done.
Tuesday Bill machined and mounted all gusset plates on the stock car and lower stiffening plates and mounted both end ladders. Vic worked on the main engine house door as the frame has shifted south. In the evening Bill ran 2365 for the 82nd Westminster, beavers, cubs and scouts and then put away the trains
Wednesday Gil checked out the needs of the stock car. Bill put a coat of shellac on the stock car and repaired some end braces.
Friday Bill at St. Croix moved ballast with 3001 for the new car barn tracks. Phil S and Steven steamed their 1" loco and Barry steamed his Pacific. Phil M and Becky ran 25 and moved some bricks.
Saturday Vic continued to prepare 5427 for TM. Gil put the cut ties in treatment for the end cuts. 
Sunday at St. Croix Bill and 3001 hauled about 200 passengers on 16 trips and then loaded the equipment. Other members loaded Whit's trailer for TM.
Tuesday due to ongoing rain Gil put the pump in the west side draining system.
Wednesday Vic and Gil worked on the engine house door adding shims and re-aligning the door frame. Vic replaced a valve on 5427. Bill visited the St. Louis Live Steamers in Eureka and checked out their railway.
Thursday Gil cut out the door openings on the second stock car. Bill stopped at Pat McCarthy's  Big Creek & Southern in Kansas City and took a train ride around the railway including the new areas. 
Friday Gil checked the pump on the west side.
Saturday June 2nd. Bill cut the grass in front of the station and used the weed eater around the canopy posts and engine house lead. Phil and Frank unloaded 25 and the hopper car from the suburban. Frank started some work on the tank car frame. Bill cut off all the brad extensions on stock car #2. Vic steamed up 5427 and made several trips around the railway with Rob taking videos and stills. Wayne fabricated the bottom grab iron on the two side ladders. Rob and Bill unloaded 3001 and its operator car and stowed away the equipment. Rob and Bill tested out the new ore cars and decided what areas could use some additional ballast and then checked out the operation of 202 and decided that a brake shoe is binding at slow speeds. Gil stacked up the new ties that had there end cuts treated and transported another load of long ties for cutting. Gil also worked on the west drainage ditches. Bill put the excess wood preservative in its sealed can and cut the grass in the upper parking area.
Sunday Rob took out 3001 with three cars a bunch of 5 gal pails and our two hopper cars and spread 3 train loads of ballast in various locations. The areas are at Duck Lake south spur, side areas on main line through Duck lake, the spur track of Chapman and some side areas along the siding, some side areas at mile 5 and 6. Bill joined in and with broom and flanger the ballast was spread and swept on most of the new area. Rob and Bill turned over operator car 220 and indeed found the brakes were binding. The spacing was re-set and the car put back in service .
Monday June 4th Bill soldered the rivets on both side ladders for the stock car and mounted the ladders on the stock car and then drilled and added the top door track support. The two tank cars were spotted along the road and Caledon filled them for the upcoming open house. Next project was to turn off all water taps around the railway and check the water system for leaks. One leak was found at Chapman but is on the exposed pipe so will be a fast repair. Bill mixed up two tanks of Round Up and applied it from the east station switch past the station and up the new line to the east switch at Chapman and then did Duck Lake main and siding along with the south north spurs and south to mile post 9. Bill went back to the stock car and cut and installed the lower door support base. Last task was to make 106 trees around the railway that are dead and can be cut to avoid blocking track during wind storms. This is a whole summer project when people are looking for tasks to do. Rob arrived and assisted on the end of the tree survey and then took a string of wood cars around the railway for photo opportunities and with Bill put all equipment away
Tuesday Bill mixed two tanks of Round Up and did the remainder of the old main line and did the new track from the west portal of the West Tunnel to the South portal of the East tunnel including all of Paterson. The grass was cut on the 1/2 mile nature trail and the upper cub camp. The stock car roof walks got another coat of paint. Last task was to screed and sweep out the new ballast at Chapman.
Wednesday Bill cut all the trim pieces for around the roof line of the stock car and drill and nail them in place. The two corner roof grab irons were mounted in place. Phil M started working on the Suburban to install a new heater core to replace the leaking one. Gil cut up another 100 ties and put the cut ends in wood treatment. We now have enough cut ties to do the station platform track replacement project. Rob used the leaf blower to clean dead leaves at Old Fort, Ash Grove and winch. Rob took 202 and got two hoppers of ballast and spread it on the spur at Ash Grove. Bill joined in and the two screeded and swept the ballast in place. Our steel box car was moved onto the engine house lift as It never had its safety chain hooks installed. Rob and Bill mounted the four hooks and while on the lift the car had its trucks removed for inspection and one wheel set was found to have defective bearings. New bearings were installed and shims added. The safety hooks were painted and the  car was taken for a test run and put away.
Thursday Bill used 202 and the Weed Eater to cut grass at mile 16, Amur Glen and Paterson. The water leak was repaired at Chapman and tested. Supply management has become complicated. 16 New safety hooks had to be purchased at Rona. No one else stocks the kind we need and I have looked. Shellac had to be purchased at Windsor Plywood because no one else caries it and I have checked. Small brads had to be purchased at McDermott as no one else has the size we need. A corn Broom for ballast sweeping had to be purchased at Super Value as other stores checked only sold synthetic brooms. A lot of travel to a lot of stores to get a very few items. It does not end there. Vic goes through the same problems in rounding up materials for locomotive and equipment repairs. In the afternoon Bill used the new corn broom to clean up areas with new ballast and then did some weed eating in the upper parking area.
Friday Vic and Barry put 5427 on the lift and conducted a hydro test on the Pacific and confirmed that the boiler was in good condition. while apart several things will be serviced. Bill made up the boiler certificates and Barry signed them. Bill completed the shellacking of the stock car. Installed the four safety hooks and sanded and glued on all the nut detail parts on grab irons and painted a quarter of the car.
Saturday June 9th. was the first Saturday open house but while the trains were ready at 10:30 it poured rain and did not stop until after 1 pm so the open house was not busy. Rob, Frank, Bill, Gordon, Ian and Phil did most of the train operation with steamer 2365. Due to the rain other members did other tasks. Vic and Barry looked after the steam leak on the throttle of 5427. Phil M. and Frank started the welding on the frame for the new tank car until the welder failed due to a defective capacitor. Dwight started preparing rails for the station track replacement project and turned the end cut ties in the treatment containers. Len made a list of active members who needed name badges and made the group of them up.  Bill cooked up hamburgers for 11 people after the open house and Rob made up a long train with 20 wood cars and made a number of photo runs. Several members had a chance to run the long train. In all the day turned out well but was very light in numbers due to the rain.
Sunday Bill in the morning added two safety hooks to box car 454 and touched up some paint. Rob started up 2365 and Phil M. got the cars out. We had a number of visitors from 1 till 2:30 when the heavens opened up. Unfortunately Rob split a switch and while Barry, Len, Rob and Bill re-railed the loco Phil M. operated 3001 for the waiting visitors. Becky and Carmalina looked after the station area but due to the rain the day was short and wet. Dwight decided the cause of the derailment was a defective switch spring assembly and immediately replaced it thus preventing future problems. Vic attended to some piping problems and Ian kept track of the few people who came. It was a very wet day. Just at 5 a small group arrived for a train ride in the rail and Len accommodated with 3001 and then while Bill and Rob put equipment away Len closed the deer gates. Bill took Rob to the Via station for the trip home to Trenton, Ontario.
Monday Bill started a cleaning of 2365 on the outside and after cleaning all scratch marks in the black paint did a touch up of all missing paint. The unions on the cylinder cocks were tighten up to prevent steam leaks. The front lead truck was lubricated along with many other bearing points. The tender trucks were greased. Supplies for TM were gathered in one spot. Switching cards were printed up for the new cars. 12 ride passes were printed up.
Tuesday Bill took 2365 out to bake in the sun and help speed the drying of paint. The outside braced box cars were checked and a brake crank was re-fastened and Peter's needed one more safety hook. The original stock car got a load of cattle glued in and straw and hay bales installed. The upper door tracks were re-glued as the original Goo had failed. The newest stock car got its roof painted and both upper door tracks installed. Other supplies were gotten ready for TM.
Wednesday Bill completed the first coat of paint on the new stock car and got trains out for a special needs group from Portage La Prairie and steamed up 2365. Gil came to assist with the charter and helped put cars away. Phil M. spent time on the heater core of the Suburban and Vic got the coupler swivel blocks and springs for the new couplers and with Phil's help installed them. Gil stacked all the treated ties in a pile to dry. Bill worked on 2365 tightening cap screws.
Thursday Bill separated 2365 from her tender and put the locomotive on the lift to replace a spring that came loose on Sunday. The trailer was brought down the road.
Friday Bill filled 41 pot holes on the road and 10 in the upper parking area. The grass was cut in front of the station and in both upper parking areas and on the upper nature trail. Phil M. completed the heater core repair on the Suburban and took it for a test drive.


On Jan 6th 2012 the Assiniboine Valley Railway celebrated a great mile stone in the history of the club. We gave a train ride to our 200,000 rider since public rides were offered in 1996. In this days we had 800 feet of track and only one train. Currently we have 1.3 miles of track winding through the forest and can operate four complete diesel trains and in the summer our members can operate up to six steam engines. In the above picture Nathan Penner is our special rider followed by his mother Martina Penner. As a prize the young lad was presented 2 rail passes and 2 pairs of holiday glasses.

On Jan 5th, 2012 the AVR celebrated our 15,000 rider for this Christmas season with a picture and a complimentary 12 ride pass. The young man in the picture is Noah Wiebe, followed by his mother, Angela Wiebe and grandmother, 


Saturday was the June date for our fun run day and guess what, it rained and rained in the morning. Bill took the opportunity to put a second coat of paint on the stock car. Vic and Gil repaired the brakes on two gondolas and started on a third. We are changing the end fittings to a new all metal end connection. Phil M. and August steamed up 2365 at 2:00 pm when the rain finally stopped and added some cars to the train and tested her out with a number of trips. The power supply, lights and air compressor were all tested. Wayne took his chainsaw to a number of marked dead trees around the railway and made fire wood. The big tree at the end of the dog house was taken down with Vic, Bill, Gil and Phil M. helping. The expansion of the dog house is now possible. Dwight measured and marked a number of rails for the front of the station. Len modified gondola 135 with an air line to be used with his train at TM. Bill stacked three log cars with assistance from Steven and two gondolas with help from Len. The air compressor and all assorted steaming accessories were put in the gondola. Phil S. and Steven got their Pacific out and Bill pushed it with 2365 around to the loading area and it was loaded in the Shaw's truck for the trip to TM. Len went around the whole main line and cut branches that had grown into the right of way.   Wayne was joined by members of his family and Len took them for a ride around the railway. At 6:00 pm a BBQ was held for the 10 people still here and more visitors arrived and Len and Bill made several more trips. Bill and Len moved the trailer to the loading area. Billy's mom cleaned up the dishes and put the food away while Billy ran 202 with Bill acting as switch man and put all the cars away.
Sunday June 17th. Bill took the left valve and cylinder cover apart on 2365 looking for the elusive steam leak. The plate on the valve was ok but the gasket on the cylinder was blown so two new gaskets were cut and holes drilled. In the afternoon both gaskets were replaced and the cylinder plates put back in place. All propane tanks were filled and loaded for the trip. While on the lift the rear hold down was installed and some locomotive cleaning was done. Rain prevented loading.
Monday Gil and Vic worked on car 100 completing the brake modification and stacked it for loading. Bill spent the day loading 2365 and 22 cars plus needed supplies and parts. Much time was spent making new hold down hooks to accept the new ore cars and new style couplers.
Wednesday Phil M. picked up a new capacitor for the welder and made modification to fit the larger one into a smaller space. Gil got 202 out and collected the fresh cut logs and transported them to the cub camp at Amur Glen and stacked them up. Gil and Bill reviewed the dog house end wall to see how it was put together so it can be made 9 feet longer thus producing storage space for four additional cars.
Thursday a number of AVR members left or were already on their way to Train Mountain with equipment. Barry took his Pacific and operator car, Phil S. took his Pacific and a steel box car, Len took his Mikado and three cars. Bill took Pacific 2365 and 22 cars. Ian and Catherine also attended from Winnipeg.  Details will be added about what the trip was like and what AVR members got done back in Winnipeg.
During the three weeks that members were on the ramble some members continued to make progress back at the AVR. Dwight started making up some tie panels and switch parts. Gil removed the trim from the dog house west end and started to clear the area. Wayne used his chain saw on the 106 marked dead trees and some additional that were farther from the track. One Saturday he was assisted by Gil and one Saturday by Richard. Richard spent one Saturday cleaning up and tidying areas. Vic made up small strips of steel for the completion of the stock cars and also replaced some o-rings on 5427.
Wednesday July 11th, 2012 Bill arrived in Winnipeg with the trailer.
Thursday Bill cut the grass around the station, in the upper parking area and on the nature trail.
Friday a start was made on unloading the trailer with 15 cars and locomotive 2365 being set free.
Saturday was our Open House but due to the heat the guests while steady were not overwhelming. Had a good visit with all quests. Bill steamed up 2365 and Gordon got cars out. The open house was run by Richard, Gordon, Len and Bill. Wayne continued with his dead tree cutting operation. Vic, Barry and Bill unloaded the last 5 cars from the trailer. Gil made a material list for the extension to the dog house and salvaged the material from the Ashdown building tables. Dwight did switch and signal maintenance.
Sunday the rain came and stayed so very few visitors came but for those who did we gave a ride on our steam train. Ian, Len, Bill, Dwight and Carmalina were available to operate the railway. Ian and Bill put the equipment away. Bill printed and posted the Dinner Train reservation sheet and added in the current reservations.
Monday Bill added more pictures to the web page.
Wednesday Brian updated the car roster log book with pages for our new cars that have been added this year.  Gil and Bill hooked up the trailer to the Suburban and went to pick up supplies for the Dog House extension.  The plywood, lumber and foundation pads were unloaded and all but the plywood was moved to the site by train. The trailer was returned to its storage area
Thursday a large amount of tunnel fill was transported to the south slop of the west tunnel.
Saturday July 21st Bill watered all the station area flower pots. The replacement of the Charleswood station track has started. Dwight arrived and started making tie panels for the north track in front of the station. Richard, Bill and Frank dismantled the rail joiners while Vic, Bill and Frank removed all track screws from the south rail. The track panels were removed and Bill, Vic, Frank and Barry dug up the top old ballast and Frank took it to the road maintenance pile. Richard went for a train load of 1/2" clean ballast. Frank spread the new rock and Bill set up the level and with Dwight and Richard acting as rod men the roadbed was made level. Dwight placed all the new tie panels and Richard then helped Dwight do joint bars and put away the train. Bill removed the screws from all the old panels and salvaged the rails for future use. Dwight laid out rails to be screwed down.
Sunday Bill joined the laid out rails and screwed the 47 feet of rail down leaving one rail for Dwight to cut and place completing the north track.
Monday Bill used 3001 to place car 3108 to be filled with propane. The old ties were sorted and three piles were nailed together to provide detail along the main line. A cheep building project. The remaining ties were stacked by the fire pit.
Tuesday another batch of fill loads were added to the west tunnel.
Wednesday the balance of the current fill was added to the tunnel. Bill used the weed eater along the station line and around the area.
Thursday the cut stock car door pieces were sanded and two corner plates fabricated plus roof walks got another coat of paint. Some soil was added to the tunnel.
Friday Bill drilled the two door angles and assembled one stock car door.
Saturday marked our third Fun Run Day but the first this year that did not get rained out. Frank and Bill steamed up 2365 and Frank used 202 to spread cars around the railway. Gil spent the afternoon preparing the site for the dog house extension by digging, cutting and preparing the concrete pads to go into place. Dwight cut in the last rail on the new station north track and Ed screwed it down. Dwight added the bond wires and signal connections. Vic assisted in various areas and started designing some window detail for 5427. Gordon collected all the fire pit sized logs that Wayne had previously cut and stacked them with Ian for fire pit use. Switching operations were carried on all afternoon by, Ian, Richard, Wayne, Frank, Bill and Ed. Some members stayed for the BBQ and Dwight and Bill put away all the equipment.
Monday Bill and Kurtis dug pails of soil from a garden and transported them to the West tunnel were they were placed as part of the ongoing fill project. Gordon took 3001 to the ballast pile at Paterson and filled 12 pails with rock that will get used on the weekend on the new track in front of the station. Gil worked on placing the six concrete foundation pads for the dog house extension. holes were dug and lined with rock and timbers were used to line up the pads. The Suburban was parked behind the trailer.
Tuesday Bill and Kurtis moved more soil to the west tunnel. Bill investigated stones for the west portal of the West Tunnel to be purchased by the ABLE Fund. Bill set up the first four pages of the "Nutty Report"
Wednesday Gil worked on the Dog house extension project by making up the base foundation that will sit on the concrete pads. Vic started on the detail work of window frames for 5427 and proof read the "Nutty Report". Len, Billy, Ken and Bill mounted a level survey on both rails on the new track in front of the station. The areas that were low were raised and two high areas were lowered. The area is now ready for ballast on Saturday. Len cut down some branches that were protruding into the station waiting area. Bill completed the "Nutty Report" and then picked up the first 50 retaining wall block.
Thursday Bill loaded the 50 block onto the train in three lots taking them to the West tunnel. A foundation line was dug and lined with pails of crushed rock. Two blocks were split and the 50 blocks were put in place.
Friday Bill filled 16 pot holes at the top of the road and removed a dead willow tree. Picnic tables and benches were moved by the station and the grass cut. Bill completed the flat steel and angles on the 2nd last stock car door were competed. The first 15 copies of the "Nutty Report" were printed
Saturday Aug 4th was a very wet start to the Civic Long weekend. After 2 pm the rain let up and some work progressed. Wayne came with chain saw and Richard and Bill assisted in downing a number of dead trees on the road. While Wayne cut them into pieces Richard and Bill took 3001 around the railway and removed downed branches from the line. Wayne transported cut tries to the camp fire area for use by scout groups this December. Some larger oak branches were also cut up. Richard and Bill spread ballast on the new track by the station and cleaned up. Dwight took measurements and designed the replacement switch for the south line in front of the station. The balance of the "Nutty Reports" were printed and half the envelopes were addressed. Dwight at home designed and built a circuit for the stock car that would turn off the system automatically when not in use and installed it on Saturday.
Sunday Bill got out all our cars and put them on display and steamed up 2365 for a private church group that was at the railway in the afternoon. Seven trips were given to about 80 people and several engine house tours. Bill put all the equipment away and blew down 2365.
Monday Aug 6th Winnipeg started the Civic Long weekend so if you get it off thank Winnipeg. Bill dug soil to create the foundation line for the north side of the west tunnel portal and transported a load the crushed rock, spread and levelled it. The "Nutty Reports" were all addressed, stuffed and taken to the post office. A water leak was found and repaired at mile 32.5. About six trail lights were repaired with lights or re-built tops. In checking the 12 volt system two breaks were found that will need repairs.
Tuesday Kurtis and Bill dug and transported three more hours of tunnel fill. Gil with help from Vic removed the end of the dog house and cut up the floor boards. Bill picked up 75 more staking retaining blocks. Vic helped Bill unload the 75. Gil made up a temporary end wall and put it in place. Vic continued to work on 5427 window trim. Bill placed the 75 blocks on the west tunnel and picked up another 75 stones and unloaded them into three gondolas and returned for another 75 stones. He then cut two stones in half and placed 65 more stackers on the tunnel wing walls.
Wednesday Kurtis and Bill dug and transported soil to the tunnel and Bill unloaded 75 more staking blocks into the train. Gil continued working on the Dog House extension by adding floor vapour barrier, nailing down the floor and setting up the end wall. 2x4's were cut up for walls. Bill cut in half eight staking stones and laid the 75 stones in place. 14 regular and 10 caps will still be needed.
Thursday Bill picked up the last 24 lock blocks and unloaded them onto the train and at the tunnel placed them on the wing wall them moved four pails of rock from Paterson to the tunnel and placed it.
Saturday was the first day of the August open house. The weather was great and the visitors came steadily. The railway was operated by Richard, Gordon, Ed, Wayne and Bill. Vic helped Bill replace three springs in 2365 on the lift and assisted Gil as well as window frames for 5427. Gil continued with Dog House construction, building the two side walls and the roof trusses. Dwight cut and laid down the rails on the floor for the dog house and prepared the rails for the new engine house switch. Gordon and Bill chased a deer from the area and put away the equipment.
Sunday started off with rain that cut down on the number of quests. Two train loads got rained on however the steamer 2365 run by Phil did great service moving a steady flow of guests. The open house was run by Becky, Phil and Bill. Dwight made some repairs and did more work on the track replacement project.
Monday Kurtis and Bill moved the last of the available soil to the west tunnel.
Tuesday Kurtis and Bill filled about 70 potholes in the road and put crushed rock in ruts on the lanes to the Christmas parking areas.
Thursday tank car 3108 was taken out for re-fuelling. One of the Thursday supper items was cooked up and put in the freezer.
Friday Bill cut the grass in the upper Christmas parking area. Vic did more work on window frames.
Saturday the AVR was attended by Lyn, Peter's sister and a toast with Gold was lifted to Peter and attended by Vic, Ed, Lyn, Gordon, Dwight, Wayne, Phil M., Barry, Frank and Bill. Vic worked on 5427, Gordon and Bill replaced a set of couplers on an ore car. Wayne and Gordon moved three train loads of logs to Amur Glen to be cut into fire wood. Phil set up the mill for the next pass on the point construction. Dwight started to lay up the next new switch, Lyn cleaned up fallen apples and Bill made up a train ride coupon. Over the last number of days Frank has been working on three ride astride cars in his garage.
Sunday Bill printed 150 train ride coupons and distributed them. The first six pails of soil have been dug from the base of Duck Lake and will be added to tunnel fill.
Monday Aug 20th, Bill mixed up four spray tanks of Round Up and applied it to weeds on the entire main line, all sidings and spurs and around the parking area. 202 was got out with its train and used to provide lubrication for curved areas, the black plastic was removed from tunnel portals now that the stone work is complete. 
Tuesday Bill used the leaf blower to clear organics from the Charleswood west track and made up a big dinner train sign. Rob used 202 and cars to get five loads of rock and spread it west of the tunnel and at Charleswood west. Bill used the rake and broom to completed the layer of ballast. Gil mounted the south wall of the dog house extension and made other adjustments to the structure. Rob and Bill picked up food supplies for the meet meals. 
Wednesday Aug 22nd, First day of the August meet. Bill cooked breakfast for early attendees. Rob used the leaf flower around the whole main line to clean off small organics. Bill and Mike picked up all the cars from Duck Lake. Dwight picked the ties and rails for the next switch. Bill pruned bushes around the station. Rob and Mike went for train rides and spread ballast west of the station switch and Bill swept it out. Rob assembled a 30 car train and was opposed by 3001 with, Bill, Ed, and Phil going opposite. Bill cooked a supper of cheese burgers and chicken fingers. Dick and Dan arrived with Whit's trailer but in route a battery had broken in the loco spilling battery acid on the locomotive and the back of the trailer. Dan, Dick, Dwight, Len and Bill unloaded it and the crew neutralized the acid with soda and disassembled the locomotive and cleaning all parts with soda and then washing it out. In the morning the final clean up will be undertaken.
Thursday Bill cooked breakfast for those out and Dick and Dan cleaned out the trailer bottom and cleaned up the locomotive, Picked up a battery and re-assembled the locomotive. Frank delivered the second ride astride car body. Visitors came from BC and Ontario and several switching sessions were undertaken. A replacement battery was gotten for 601 and installed and the loco was tested but needed to be charged. Dinner was prepared by Bill of spaghetti and meat sauce and a backed pork dish along with other items. Debby cut up potatoes and Becky cleaned up dishes. Gil notched out the roof trusses for the dog house addition and nailed them in place. Trains were run into the night. Rob posed 6109 and 202 for a picture at Ghosty Diamond in their current paint to contrast an original picture taken while the were in Santa Fe freight paint.
Friday was the last day of the meet culminating in a steak dinner along with other items. Bill looked after the side dishes while Len cooked the steak on his BBQ. Bill prepared breakfast. 601 did not run and was checked out by Dwight who found that the picture on battery hook-up was wrong and after the problem was corrected Dick joined the switching pool. Danielle and Dan ran 2365 while others operated diesels. At one point a train was run with two diesels on the front and a third on the rear. After supper trains where run until dark when Bill blew down 2365 and Rob picked up cars from around the railway and Dwight, Bill and Rob put every thing away.
Saturday Dick and Dan returned to load Dick's new locomotive and four cars. Danielle and Steven arrived to help organize the trailer and Bill helped feed cars to the lift. After all was loaded Bill cooked breakfast. Richard arrived and cleaned up garbage and took it to the end of the road while Bill dealt with the recyclables. Wayne and Richard moved another train load of logs to Amur Glen. Carmalina and Bill filled two wheel barrows of crab apples and they were taken to compost area at the front. Bill located two more wasp nests and Dwight attempted to gas them. Vic worked on window glass for 5427 and wired up additional lights for the dog house extension. Gil with assistance from Richard cut up the wall material and fastened it to the dog house frame. Mike brought his wife to the railway and Bill gave them a ride. More train ride coupons were printed. Dwight drilled out a number of switch parts. Those who could stay for supper did so and Carmalina cleaned up more dishes. Bill spent a couple of hours with a possible new member who is interested in getting some train equipment. The web page was updated and dinner train reservations made.
Sunday Frank had completed the second ride astride car body and delivered it to the railway. He and Bill unloaded it onto a gondola.
Wednesday Aug 29th. Vic cut up glass and plastic for 5427's window project. Phil M. sorted material and did so set up on the mill. Bill did some computer work, cleaned up apples and dealt with some recyclables. It was one of those dog days of summer
Tuesday Sept 3rd Bill worked on Dinner Train reservation.
Saturday Sept 1st Richard replaced ties and added some ballast along the line. Dwight started to lay out the new engine house switch.
Saturday Sept 8th Bill spent time with dinner train reservations and made up food for today's BBQ. The open house was run by Gordon, Frank, Len, Ed, Bill, Richard and Wayne. Richard, Wayne and Bill cleaned up crab-apples. Len unloaded his train from Train mountain. Len BBQ steaks for the group that stayed. Bill put trains away, closed gates and showed six deer the door.
Sunday was a very busy open house day but a good number of members came out to help run the railway. Len, Ed M., Gordon, Bill, Robert and Mike. 2365 was retired early as the lubricator pump needs attention. Equipment was put away.
Monday Bill spent the morning doing club book work and dinner train reservations. The first load of food supplies was picked up and stored away. Gil came to check on what remains of the dog house extension.
Tuesday Bill started cooking the spaghetti sauce for the Dinner Train and put 2365 on the engine house lift and took off the side trim to check the lubricator finding water in it. The water was removed and the check valve blown out and piping tested to the smoke box. The oiling can was checked and water found in it as well.
Wednesday Gil with assistance from Vic and Bill put the roof plywood on the Dog House extension and all the tar paper on walls and roof. Gil cleaned up wood scraps. Bill cooked the spaghetti sauce and put it the freezer and re-assembled 2365's running boards and started to disassemble the cylinder covers for new gaskets .
Thursday Bill cut up all vegetables for the tuna & macaroni salad. All ketchup and mustard bottles were washed and filled.
Friday Bill went for the last load of perishable and stored them away in our refrigeration. Next a trip to get ice and ice cream. The refrigerator car was found and scrubbed out to hold the ice. The trains were moved out of the station. Bill completed the tuna and macaroni salad. Len arrived and he and Bill spent until 11:30 cutting and dicing vegetable. Gil cleaned up garbage and crab-apples and got outside things ready for Saturday .
Saturday was the first day of the Dinner Train with seven full train. It was a hot day but lots of happy people. Dwight spent the day adjusting track problems due to dry weather. Dwight celebrated his 50th birthday with family on the 5:30 train. Member who kept the food coming and the trains moving. Len, Bill, Richard, Marietta, Gil, Mike, Linda, Wayne and Ed.
Sunday was day two but only five full trains and cooler weather. Member keeping things going where, Gil, Gordon, Wayne, Linda, Richard, Bill  and Len. Other members pitched in both days during cleanup.
Monday Bill checked batteries in 202. The middle pair has a shorted cell and will need replacement. 3001 has a bad middle charger or bad connection. Bill repaired the streaming multi coloured pine cone LED lights that the squirrels had destroyed in the spring and returned them to the garage. The lights at the back of the house were repaired and tested. An early start in case of an early fall. Some light boxed were transported from upper storage.
Tuesday Bill worked on Christmas lights.
Wednesday Gil picked up black shingles and brought them to the work site. Gil and Bill got out the air gun and nails and decided how to inter lace the shingles. Bill put up and repaired more lights.
Thursday Bill put up lights and tested lights. Gil, Vic and Bill cut and installed shingles to the new dog house extension. Vic made up a gasket for 2365 and Bill made up a second gasket for the other side. Bill re-assembled the right front cylinder plate and tightened the left front and took the right rear cylinder cove off. Gil has worked at home cutting the correct contour on the down siding to match the existing material.
Friday Bill replaced the rear right cylinder gasket and re-assembled the right cylinder and rods and sliders. Christmas lights were repaired and put up. The trailer was moved to the loading area.
Saturday Sept 22nd. Bill put out some lights and completed the gasket replacement job on 2365. Richard got out 202 with five cars and looked after a birthday party with lots of kids in the afternoon. Phil M got back to his job of machining a new collection of points. Dwight worked on the new engine house switch. Len loaded up his train with help from Dwight, Richard, Wayne and Frank. Bill started loading the AVR trailer with Phil, Frank and Wayne.
Sunday Dwight completed the new engine house switch. Bill put out Christmas lights.
Monday Bill put the remaining cars in the trailer and loaded the Suburban followed by the tie down of all equipment. More lights were put out  and Maurice picked up a gondola for the weekend train show.
Tuesday Christmas lights were repaired and put out in the display.
Wednesday Bill and Len left for St Croix and the fall meet.
Thursday equipment was unloaded at St. Croix and Dwight and Carmalina arrived in the evening. Barry arrived with his Pacific on Wednesday.
Friday Steven and Phil S. arrived at St Croix.
Saturday Barry loaded for home. Back at Winnipeg Richard did projects on the railway.
Sunday Bill and Len ran trains for the public and loaded equipment in the evening. Dwight and Carmalina headed for home at noon.
Monday Len and Bill completed the load and drove home.
Monday Bill put up Christmas lights.
Tuesday Bill used the leaf blower to clear track from the station to Paterson spur and started wrapping trees at Chapman and other areas. A load of light boxes where taken to the station area.
Wednesday Bill repaired and put more lights out.
Thursday was a cold and wet snow day but we did get some desperately needed rain. Only lights got repaired and tested and the trailer got positioned for unloading.
Friday the charter with the Tuxedo Pre school was moved to next Wednesday because of the rain. Bill tested and repaired more lights. An electric heater was put in the trailer due to a frost warning over night.
Saturday Oct 6th. Bill serviced and repaired a quantity of lights. Richard and Bill with Phil M. helping unloaded the equipment from the trailer and suburban. Phil and Dwight un-staked the gondolas. Maurice arrived with his new Plymouth locomotive and riding car and it was stored in the engine house. 2365 was stored on its dolly and Richard sorted cars, making up two trains for the Wednesday visit of the pre school. Vic made modifications to the heat controller in the engine house. Phil worked on some tooling and Dwight did work on the new switch. Richard hauled in a load of Christmas lights and Gil worked on the leaf blower. Bill put more lights up. In all it was a productive day with many small tasks being completed and it was nice to see the sun again.
Sunday Bill repaired and set up lights using 202 for transportation.
Monday Canadian Thanksgiving. It rained all day. We needed the water but it can stop now anytime. Bill serviced repaired and put up lights between showers.
Tuesday the rain and snow continued. Bill tested lights and each time he went to put some out it snowed.
Wednesday Richard and Bill got two trains out for the Tuxedo Pre school group and Gordon came to run one of the trains. The station was transformed into a snack room with tables and chairs. Four trains were run in the morning session with 22 passengers each. The afternoon session had four train with about 18 people each. Richard and Bill tidied up and put away trains. Phil M spent time working on mill fix Turing.
Thursday the rain stopped and the sun came out. More lights went up including 3/4 of the station top lights. 202 was used on trail lights.
Friday Bill did club book work and put out some arches.
Saturday Oct open house day was attended by a large number of visitors. Phil and August got 2365 out and steamed her up. Gordon got 202 out and started giving full train rides at 11:00 am. Frank and Len also helped with 2365. Richard and Wayne helped with the diesel train while Bill looked after the station. Gil and Wayne went out for lumber and Gil spent the rest of the afternoon cutting and nailing on the facia and soffit for the dog house extension. Dwight made up the needed track panels for the south track by the station. Richard, Len and Wayne installed the upper parking fence and took out the 12 foot arches. Shingles were brought to the station for capping along with candy canes. Later a train load of deer and other assorted 3d items were brought to the station.
Sunday last open house of the summer fall season. Bill steamed up 2365 and Vic and Len took turns running it until 5 pm when Bill blew the boiler down and with Len put it away for the winter. Vic did some work on the leaf blower. Bill looked after the station and repaired 6 3D deer and put them out on display.
Monday Bill switched battery chargers in 202 as we may have a bad one. A new spark plug was picked up for the leaf blower. Seven upper parking arches were stripped and several displays were put out Four arch light strings were changed from old white lights to new coloured lights. 
Tuesday four 12ft arches were installed with new lights. Two more were repaired and four fence wreaths were changed from white to red and Green.
Friday two arch strings were re-lit and a group of lights were put out.
Saturday lots of a activity. Bill started at 9:am putting up lights. Richard and Gordon got out two trains and set up for 22 passengers each for a special charter at 3:00 pm. Dwight assisted by Wayne and Gil started to disassemble the south station track and remove the ballast down to sub roadbed and then add new 1/2 inch clean rock and started to re-lay the track. Bill installed the new spark plug in the leaf blower but was not able to restart it. Gil used the electric unit to blow leaves near the station. Richard and Gordon set up some arches and brought in a train load of ballast. Ed assisted Dwight with a level survey on the new construction. Richard, Wayne and Bill ran the charter for 44 people giving two complete rides. Richard and Wayne put the trains away except 3001 as Gil and Dwight went for a second load of rock. Bill put new coloured lights in 250 sockets for parking lot arches.
Sunday Dwight and Gil worked on the south station track and re-aligned the engine house lead. Bill tested lights and put out a bunch
Monday Bill repaired lights and set up displays. Mary-Lou assisted moving four arches. Gil used 3001 to bring another load of rock and worked on the engine house lead, re-laid some paving stones and stored stones to be re-laid in the future
Tuesday it rained all day so lights were tested in the station.
Wednesday Bill put out displays and Gil cut cap pieces and completed the cap on the dog house extension. It is now closed in for the winter
Thursday Gil had the old leaf blower tested by a repair  shop and the said it was not worth repairing. Bill put up and repaired lights.
Friday Gil purchased a new leaf blower and tested it out. Bill continued with station lights.
Saturday Bill repaired and touched up paint on four angels. Gil, Frank and Bill worked on the south track. Bill operated the level while the other two added more screws and ballast. Vic salvaged some parts off the old leaf blower and decommission it. He then started up the suburban and took it and the trailer to its winter parking area. Gordon and Richard hauled all remaining display items to the station from upper parking. Richard and Maurice set up the lower parking fence with Bill screwing on the panels. Bill repaired two bicycles and had help putting them out.
Sunday put up lights and clean up leaves,
Monday repair lights  and arches and put up lights.
Tuesday Gil used the leaf blower on the whole track, Bill repaired and set up arches.
Wednesday Vic and Gil inspected and service a group of gondolas, Vic repaired a set of brake hangers and Gil installed a weather strip on the engine house door, Bill made up five arch lighting harness.
Thursday Bill repaired and set out a number of 6 ft arches.
Friday Bill repaired and put out lights.
Saturday Nov 3rd. Jimmy replaced lights on 8 arches and striped two. Bill repaired all gingerbread displays and with Richard and Gordon put out the gingerbread house and large illuminated train. The two worked on road and track arches. Gil and Wayne serviced another group of gondolas. Frank cut up steel for the new ride astride cars and then helped Dwight level and shim track by the station. Ed painted one ride astride car. Wayne cleared up a downed tree on the road and brush near the walking trail.
Sunday the last of the gingerbread displays went out and 17 arches out on the main line.
Monday Bill repaired railway arches and put eight out.
Tuesday Bill worked on lights.
Wednesday Bill set up displays
Thursday Gil covered up the station switches, Bill put out lights.
Friday Bill repaired road arches and Gordon helped put out five road arches.
Saturday Gordon and Jimmy completed the install of 16 foot road arches. Bill re-built with Gordon and Gil's help the arch that was hit by a car last Christmas. Frank and Ed T put up the ship and ran jumpers to arches. Dwight cleared snow and serviced switches. 
Sunday Bill used the large snow blower on the road and Jimmy spent the day clearing snow around the yard.
Monday Remembrance Day holiday. Gil used the small snow blower on the new line. Bill assisted by two others put up 1750 lights.
Tuesday Gil cleared snow on the old line and Bill started on the yard trails.
Wednesday Bill continued on the yard trails and tested candy canes.
Thursday Bill completed the yard trails and with Jimmy put out bush trail and track candy canes.
Friday Gil repaired the spring on the main yard gate. Bill with John put out the balance of the track candy canes.
Saturday Richard worked on providing power to both fence lines and with Gordon's help completed the task. Frank brought the steel plates for the ride astride cars. Gordon with Jimmy's help replaced the squirrel damaged lights on the upper shed. Jimmy continued to clear snow from walk ways and set up the wood nativity display and made ready the display in the "Q" area. Vic worked on a set of damaged brake assemblies and assisted Gil with the car inspection program completing another group of gondolas prior to the Christmas run. Bill spent the day organizing lighting tasks and servicing and repairing bells, starts and deer. Dwight serviced locomotive brushes, oiled switch points and switch stands. Modified the dwarf signal controller and repaired a light controller.
Sunday Bill, Jimmy and Kurtis put up a large number of lights.
Monday Bill and John installed lights including the dancing trees.
Tuesday Bill repaired 13 older arches and put out lights.
 Wednesday Vic and Gil serviced 6109 and assisted by Bill serviced 3001 however 3001 will need a set of batteries, a new Jones plug on the air compressor so it remain apart on the lift. Ed T. came to assist. Bill serviced lights.
Thursday Bill welded brakes on three steel frames and made up three new star. Two are using white LEDs.
Friday Bill completed the dancing trees and station "Q" area today.
Saturday Wayne spent the afternoon running a new main cable across the road to upper parking due to an underground damage of the old cable. Richard, Gordon and Bill set up the arches in the upper parking area. Vic replaced the shorted battery in 3001 after a generous gift from Interstate Batteries. While open other systems were checked. Gil disassembled the engine house air fan and repaired it. Dwight repaired a bell and worked on a locomotive controller. 
Sunday Bill put out displays and Jimmy cleared snow around the station and on the yard trails. It was a cold day for  November.
Monday Bill and John put up lights.
Tuesday Jumpers cords were repaired and more lights put out.
Wednesday Holiday Speks were ordered. More lights were put out. Gil moved 202 to the engine house and with Vic replaced the defective batteries and replaced a dead charger.
Thursday Bill put out lights and Gil used the snow blower on the tracks.
Friday Bill worked on the Chapman area and repaired and split up circuits
Saturday Richard, Gordon and Bill spent the day on lights making sure all displays had power and were on. Wayne spent time repairing some electrical and plugging in some roof top things then spent time with Frank going over material about Wayne's newly acquired ten wheeler from John Hughie. Frank marked some steel parts. Gil and Vic worked on the last operator car and gave it an operational test. Jimmy put new lights on the last needed arch and cleared snow from the entire main line. Dwight worked on a new design of control box for the locomotives. Bill completed the install of LED lights on two donated deer frames and put them into the display.
Sunday Kurtis and Bill completed the Chapman trees and started hanging stars in the dancing musical star and snowflake  display.
Monday Gil cleared the track during the mild morning and Bill used the large snow blower on all the bush trails and put up more lights.
Tuesday Bill put up all the road, trail and yard signage.
Wednesday Bill set up lights and assisted Vic and Gil with 6109. Vic started to work on the coupler mounts for the next ride astride car. Gil mounted signs on the riding car for 6109
Thursday Ralph arrived from Calgary and spent the afternoon helping Bill set up stars and doing other repair to the Christmas display.
Friday Ralph and Bill did a number of last minute repairs.
Saturday Bill started the clean up of the station and continued until the space was converted into a Christmas Train station. Holiday glasses were displayed and hot chocolate brewed. Gil, Vic and Bill replaced the riding car truck on 6109. Vic spent time on the ride astride end steel frames. Barry helped around the station with snow removal. Gil used the small snow blower on the track work and then followed with the small shovel. Frank and Gil then used 202 to clear ice and open the line. Bill cleared part of the walk ways and Dwight cleared the front walk. The railway was operated to a good group of visitors by Gordon, Frank, Jim and Bill. .
Sunday was at -25 at train time so the passenger count was light but still required eight train trips. Gil serviced the track and Ralph and Bill repaired some failed lights and the train was run by Richard, Gordon, Ralph and Bill.
Monday Gil serviced the track and trains were run by Jim, Dwight and Carol.
Tuesday we had a scout group in and trains were run by Jim, Bill, Gordon, Vic and Ed T. Gil serviced the track and Bill cleared snow.
Wednesday only one track was used due to snow. Trains where run by Richard, Dwight and Bill.
Thursday Gil serviced the track and Bill cleared the main parking lot with the big blower. The railway was operated by Jim, Carol, Gordon, Barry and Bill.
Friday Gil and Vic replaced the #3 traction motor in 202. Gil serviced the tracks while Bill used the large snow blower on the small upper parking lot. Bill did some needed electrical repairs and turned all light. The railway was operated by Vic, Frank, Gordon, Brian, Jim and Ed T.
Saturday was the busiest day this season. Gil serviced track and Bill fixed lights. The railway was operated by Jim, Vic, Frank, Wayne, Carol and Bill.
Sunday Gil cleared track and Bill serviced lights. The railway was operated by Barry, Richard, Dwight, Gordon, Ed T. and Bill. 
Monday Gil serviced the track and Bill cleared yard snow and turned on the lights. The Railway was operated by Frank and his friend, Jim, Fred, Brian and Vic on maintenance, serviced 202 and cut steel for the three ride astride cars.
Tuesday Dec 18th. Gil serviced the tracks while Bill checked and repaired lights. The railway was operated by Fred, Richard, Frank,  Wayne, Len and Bill. We had a good crowd and all ran well with three trains operating.
Wednesday Gil serviced the tracks and Bill cleared snow on the yard trails. The train was operated by Ed T., Dwight, Gordon and Bill.
Thursday Bill started on the next "Nutty Report". Gil serviced the track and Bill checked lights. The railway was operated by Jim, Barry, Richard, Gordon and Bill.
Friday Gil serviced tracks and Bill checked lights. The railway was operated by Len, Helen, Gordon, Frank, Brian and Bill.
Saturday Gil checked tracks and cleaned up the area. Bill repaired lights and did some admin work, Vic worked on the truck mounts for the three ride astride cars. The evening brought us the second largest crowd of the Christmas Season. The trains were kept running by Richard, Wayne, Dwight, Jim, Carmalina, Ed T., Brian and Bill. Gil greased and checked the track during the evening run and found a anti-motor-rotation bracket. An inspection of 6109 on the lift found no part missing. Dwight and Bill put 6109 back on track and found the missing part had come from 202. It was put on the lift and the front power truck removed and the parts were repaired along with the main hanger bearing and the locomotive put back into service.
Sunday Gil spent the afternoon servicing the railway. Bill repaired lights and got ready for the night. It was a cold night but people kept our train running all night with Gordon, Len, Helen, Jim and Bill
Monday Christmas Eve. It was cold burr...  -27 c   Frank checked the tracks. Bill fixed lights.  We had a light numbers of riders due to the temp.  Mary, August, Phil, Becky, Gordon, Frank and Bill. More crew than we needed for such a cold night. 
Christmas day Dec 25th. Bill repaired lights damaged by deer and sanded the yard trails. No train today as it is family time. Running again on Boxing Day.
Boxing Day Bill picked up supplies. Vic worked on the rid-astride cars and assisted Frank and Bill on the repair of 3001. The railway was run by Richard, Ed T., Jim and Bill
Thursday the temp warmed up and we had a steady crowd. Bill repaired lights and did club admin jobs. The railway was operated by Vic, Barry, Dwight, Gordon, Len, Frank, Wayne and Bill.
Friday Bill cleared snow on the track and yard trails. Some lights were repaired. The railway was operated to a large group by Richard, Len, Barry, Gordon, Brian and Bill.
Saturday Vic worked on mounting the truck platforms on the first of three new ride astride cars and completed the task. Bill did admin jobs and cleared snow on the rails. A good crowd of people came to ride even though the temp was falling. Train crew consisted of Brian, Len, Helen, Wayne and Bill.
Sunday Bill did admin jobs and repaired some lights. The railway was operated by Fred, Dwight, Ed T., Jim and Bill.
Monday New Year's Eve turned very cold. Bill repaired lights on the upper walking trail, repaired a car damaged arch, did administration and started printing the "Nutty Report". The railway was operated by Wayne, Joanne, Richard, Gordon and Bill.
Tuesday Gil serviced track, Bill completed the news letter, did admin jobs while Gil serviced the tracks. The railway was operated by Carol, Len, Gordon, Jim and Bill. 
Wednesday Bill completed the printing of the "Nutty Reports" and addressed and stuffed all of the copies to be mailed out. Bill repaired some lights and Gil cleared and serviced the track. Bill cleared the yard trails. Dwight repaired the broken switch stand on the west leg of the "Y" and cleaned debris from all station area switches. The railway was operated for a happy group of riders by, Len, Dwight, Fred, Becky, Ed T. and Bill. 
Thursday the temp warmed up. Gil serviced the tracks, Bill did some repairs and during the evening the railway was operated by Becky, Fred, Len, Richard, Gordon and Bill. The flat car from  6109's consist was put in the engine house for a king pin repair.
Friday Bill repaired lights along the trails and in upper parking lot. Gil serviced the track, cleared switches and got trains out. We had a large steady crowd but no one waited to long as all ran well. The railway was operated by Len, Wayne, Ed T., Barry, Brian and Bill.
Saturday 2nd Last day of the run. Bill spent the morning on administration duties and checked lights in the upper parking area. Gil serviced the track, cleaning out level crossings and getting out the trains. Vic worked on truck holding assemblies for the ride astride cars and he and Bill repaired a long flat car. The railway was operated for a big steady crowd by Richard, Gordon, Bill and Brian. Due to the snow fall during the run some trails got polished up due to the snow and many feet. When we heard about a bad area we held Gordon's train and sent him out with fresh sand.
Sunday Bill repaired lights and checked the trails. Gil serviced the rails and got equipment out. The last night was operated by Len, Ed T., Dwight, Brian and Bill
Wednesday Jan 9th, Gil cleared snow but it kept coming. Vic started to do repairs to the mill.
Wednesday Jan 16th, Vic continued with mill repairs and lubricated the pistons on Wayne's locomotive. Bill cleaned and organized the table to start on stock car completion.
Saturday Vic completed the overhaul on two traction motors and spent time with Wayne freeing up the pistons on Wayne's 10 wheeler. Bill did club accounting, preparing for the AGM in Feb. Wayne removed snow so two locomotives could be run out of the station and helped Bill set up tables and chairs for the Christmas wind up chicken and pizza supper attended by the following members, Len & Helen, Dwight, Richard & Marietta, Barry, Gil & Linda, Brian, Phil & Becky, Gordon & Rhona, Wayne, and Bill.
Tuesday Bill spent the day balancing bank accounts and bringing together revenue and expenses for the AGM.
Friday Feb 1st. Bill spent the afternoon preparing the financial report for 2012 year for the AGM. Due to the severity of the winter most work at the AVR is on hold until the weather improves.
Saturday Vic worked with Frank storing two cars on a dolly and putting 713 on the movable work rack. Some time was spent checking the lubricator pump on the locomotive. Bill started making parts and putting the last stock car door together. Vic and Bill installed the couplers on the last stock car. Frank painted the underside of the stock car while Bill did some touch up paint. Gil discussed the upcoming AGM.
Wednesday Feb 6th. Vic arrived with two new radios and with Bill and Gil tested them under different conditions. The reception was better than our current models but is compatible on the same frequencies. The range is better as Bill and Gil were able to talk between the station and Wexford and from Gil's yard which is farther than the biggest distance on the railway. Vox is not on as a default but can be selected or turned off. Power levels are adjustable and many other features not on the current models. They look like they will do the job without going on to VOX. Ed T. put a second coat of paint on the last stock car roof and did some touch-up painting. Bill put a second coat on the stock car under floor and put more metal strips on the last door.
Thursday Bill spent some time working on the stock car. Frank prepared a report for the AGM.
Saturday Feb 9th, Bill fabricated, installed and painted the lower support bracket for the stock car brake rod and continued to work on the door completing it and giving both doors a coat of shellac and first layer of paint. Vic disassembled the traction motor from 3001 that failed over Christmas and found it full of gear oil. The motor was cleaned, adjusted and re-assembled and tested. Wayne took out the lubricator from the 10 wheeler and cleaned it up and under test it pumped but the check valve on one side may be leaking so he took the pump home to work on. Gil cleared track 1 and 2 of the car barn and helped Bill get access to a stock car so measurements could be taken. Dwight helped with a few projects and took stock of signal parts. Gil officially started taking down Christmas lights as it was too nice a day to be inside. Bill with Wayne's help put the trucks back on the stock car and turned it right side up and with Dwight's help stated to nail in the roof walks. More testing was done with the two new radios and all agreed they were much improved. Different head sets will be tested. Vic ordered 8 more radios and Gil is going to build a container to store them in.
Monday Bill cut up all the vinyl lettering for stock car 735 and printed some reports for the AGM. The roof walk was nailed in place and then painted with its last coat. The doors were given more paint and some of the lettering was applied.
Tuesday Bill completed the car body lettering.
Wednesday Gil picked up material for construction of a radio storage box. Vic cleaned his work bench and stored materials away. Bill completed the painting of the stock car doors and painted the white lime on the interior and exterior of car 735
Thursday Bill completed the trolley and guides on one door and painted the white on the door.
Saturday Bill installed the door and did machining on the trolleys and guides. Vic made some repairs and Frank set up the station for the AGM.  Twenty members attended the meeting.
Sunday Bill did paperwork and Brian send a draft of the minutes.
Monday Feb 18th Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, Family Day in other Canadian Provinces and Presidents Day in the USA.  Bill built a small rack to hold the box cab in the van. The walks to station and engine house were cleared of snow. Bill put #25 on the lift for maintenance.    
Tuesday Bill mounted the trolleys and lower guides on the last door of the stock car and test fit the door. The remaining door got its lime treatment along with a door from car 725. The red was applied to the trolleys and some touch up completed.
Wednesday Vic started cleaning up around the mill so some maintenance can be done. Ed T. got a shovel modified. Gil, Bill and Vic tested out a new style head set for the new radios. Gil and Vic designed a new caster turning handle. Bill mounted the door on stock car 735.
Saturday Feb 23rd, Wayne & Vic replaced the lubricator and made a new lube line on 713. Vic worked on the mill and Gil removed the old radio storage shelf in order to replace it with the new radio storage unit. Dwight took stock of materials on hand for the replacement switches
Feb 24th to March 19th. Bill was on the road with the box cab #25 and visited three live steam clubs and checked out their tracks. Back at the AVR work was slow due to the cold winter and many snow storms but some work was complete. Gil built and installed a new cupboard to hold all our communication radios. Vic spent time repairing the mil and ordered parts for the scale which Bill brought home. Vic also experimented with how the caboose window frames can be milled along with other projects. Wayne's locomotive was put on the lift and the stock car was stored. Dwight worked on locomotive 202 replacing the broken wiring terminal and cleaning it up. The Christmas sign was taken down by Richard who also cleaned up some areas.
March 2nd Bill visited the Southern California Live Steamers in Torrance, California and ran #25 around the railway and had a good visit with the members during the monthly work day. The railway is set in a forested city park and has a number of interesting features. As the site is fenced they have lots of track side features and a fine station. The use a transfer table to unload and service their steel container village.
March 9th Bill visited the Chula Vista Live steamers located in a San Diego Park. It was the first day of a 2 day public run. They were running a steam and diesel train for the public and Bill was able to run along with them and a couple of work trains. As the park is open they lock everything up in a couple of containers and take locomotives home. The track switches are locked and other fortifications are in place.
March 14th Bill visited the Nevada Southern Railway Live Steamers located outside Bolder, Nevada during their Thursday work day. This is a new club only forming and starting track laying in 2011 and have 2200 feet on the ground so far with big future plans. For such a new club they have good track, interesting routes but typical deserts conditions and a surprising number of fine buildings. See railways we have visited for pictures.
Saturday March 23rd. Vic unpacked the new part for the mil scale and with Dwight's help got it in place on the mil. Wayne worked on his 10 wheeler continuing to service the lubricator with what is hoped to be success. Richard took lights down near deer paths and fortified the fence near the East Tunnel. Vic gave Bill a course on how to operate the mil and holders were installed to clamp down three caboose windows at a time and Bill milled the backs on nine windows and set up for another three.
Monday Vic installed the long scale on the mil and made some modifications.
Tuesday Bill milled 12 window frames.
Wednesday Vic continued to adjust the scale and decided if it were relocated it would allow the table to move a longer distance. Bill milled six more windows and Gil cleaned up and made some final adjustments to the radio cupboard.
Good Friday Vic tested the new location for the long scale and mounted the short 10 inch scale. Bill milled six more windows along with some accounting for the club.
Saturday Vic and Bill helped Wayne with 713 as he explored the workings of the 10 wheeler. Wayne did some cleaning and tightened some oil lines. Vic continued his adjustments on the mil. Richard and Bill repaired some deer fencing at the south gate by the tunnel where deer had damaged fencing allowing for entrance. Gil and Barry came by. Bill completed another six window frames and cleared the east station track so locomotives could come out on Sunday.
Monday April 1st. It is with sadness that we announce the passing of a long time associate member of the AVR who went on ahead of us on March 7th 2013 in Tucson, Arizona. Robert Dirksen last helped on the railway last summer when he manned the station on one of our public days. He enjoyed railways and was involved in "G" gauge at his winter home but when at his cottage at Matlock would often come by the AVR to see how he could help. He was limited in his activity due to his oxygen supply always being needed. We will miss his visits.
Tuesday Bill milled the remaining wall and copula window frames with nine being completed today. The eight for the four doors are left to be completed.
Wednesday Vic continued to work on the third scale on the mill. Gil drained the large snow blower for summer storage. We all hope he has not been too early as we are still snow covered. Bill milled 9 door windows and made 24 more castings for the cabooses. Gil, Vic and Bill tested the various mikes and decided we needed six boom mikes and four shoulder mikes. Vic will order.
Friday April 5th.  They say we might get snow???  Bill milled the last five window frames for the doors and made a number of castings. All hold down clamps were put away. Bill purchased a new role of deer fence wire.
Saturday Richard took down a large group of Christmas lights located along Roblin Blvd. Wayne removed the lubricator from 713 as it was still leaking and put washers on the outgoing pipes. Dwight made up a new connector for the third scale on the mill. Bill marked the parts of the first caboose floor that needed to be removed and Gil cut them using his sabre tooth saw. Together the two members mounted, aligned and screwed on the pre welded steel frame. Two truck friction pads were found to be loose so Wayne re-welded them
Wednesday April 10th was a slow day at the AVR. Members in attendance were Ed T., Gil, Vic and Bill. Some lights got loosened, the caboose was located, The floor of the caboose was sanded. Some cleanup took place but the biggest project was to watch all our snow think about melting. We are still covered with ice and snow and no real thought about melting fast.
Saturday April 13 found the AVR still wrapped up with snow. Will it ever melt this year? Gil, Richard, Wayne, Barry and Dwight came to the club. Richard continued with Christmas lights despite the deep snow, Dwight worked on projects while Wayne continued to investigate 713.
Monday we were again subjected to a late April snow storm.
Saturday April 20th, Richard and Bill removed Christmas lights on the parking fence line and north side of the centre trail. The two then took the lower lights off the station and Richard took down the upper station lights and was joined by Gil, Bill, Brian and Gordon who rolled them up. Bill took care of the west station tree. Dwight serviced switch controllers and checked out this summers projects however as there were too many glaciers around the project was abandoned. At 3:00 pm a meeting about the August meet started and after reviewing the history and options it was decided to move our August meet to the first weekend of August concluding with the Civic Holiday. The vote was unanimous. The AVR felt to be fair to all members including those that work during the week that time on the weekend was imperative. Brian took minutes and has circulated them. If any would like a copy let him know. After the meeting ended a discussion took place about the building of a Paterson Grain elevator. 

Saturday April 27th. Wayne continued to work on 713. Richard, Gil, Gordon and Bill continued to put away Christmas lights but due to snow and ice objects could not be moved.

Saturday May 4th Bill visited the Burnaby Club and spent several hours moving passengers with locomotive 9000. At the AVR a large group of lights were taken down. Wayne stripped and re-painted the smoke box of 713.

Wednesday May 8th Bill traveled on the White Pass and Yukon Railway.

Saturday a large number of front yard display items were taken down and collected in groups ready to be stored. Len took 202 around both new and old line with a visitor from Ontario.

Sunday May 12th Bill boarded the East bound Canadian for the trip to Winnipeg.

Tuesday May 14th Bill arrived at Union Depot in Winnipeg and Met Richard who was boarding the train to go East.

Thursday Bill spent the day taking down Christmas displays.

Friday Bill took down more lights until the rain started mid afternoon.

Saturday Bill took down lights. Wayne, Bill and Dwight got 713 out on the track and steamed her up. Bill tested the axel pump and injector along with showing Wayne how to steam and adjust controls in operation. Wayne took the locomotive around the track several times successfully and then blew her down and put 713 back in the engine house. An oak tree had fallen on the new line and this was moved out of the way. Dwight took some measurements for some proposed summer work.

Sunday Paul and Bill got the steaming bay lift out of its winter parking place.

Monday Victoria Day. Bill started to put the next "Nutty Report" together. It rained all day.

Tuesday Bill took all light crates back to the station and started to load the lower storage shed with Christmas displays. 3001 was taken out and the old main line was lubricated and tested. A serious cross elevation problem was found at mile 16. Temporary repairs were made but some additional ballast and attention is needed. Bill using 3001 plus six cars took 90 beavers, cubs, scouts and parents around the railway during the wind up camp fire for the 82 Westminster Scout group.

Wednesday Gil and Bill spent the afternoon bringing in arches and Gingerbread displays. In Winnipeg the season has changed from winter to summer missing spring all together.

Thursday Bill stored away more lights and displays.

Friday Bill continued to bring in lights and found a downed tree that took down a length of deer fence.

Saturday May 25th Gordon and Bill prepared the 16 main road arches for transport. Gordon did more in the upper parking lot. Wayne chopped down the dead tree pulling down the deer fence and did repairs to the fence then brought in a number of arches. Dwight did some maintenance on the signal system. Len repaired the two seats on riding car 200. Bill gave Steve, a new member a tour of the club and track. Gil brought in some additional displays. Bill kept 3001 out and gave a birthday party a trip on the railway and put the train away.

Monday Bill planted some flowers on the way to the station and brought in some Christmas displays.

Tuesday Bill printed the "Nutty Report" and got it ready to mail. Some displays were brought in.

Wednesday Gil and Bill carried in main road arches and were soon joined by Len who helped with the project and cleaned up junk on the road. Len picked up 20 safety hooks and prepared them in his new shop.

Friday with two days of rain has left the forest a bit wet. The inner deer fences were closed due to deer penetration on the outer fence and loosing petunias overnight.

Saturday June 1st.  Richard, Gordon, Len, Ed T., Wayne and Bill spent the first few hours taking down and storing all Christmas displays in the upper parking and road areas. Gil made up a fence post and did some repairs to the east deer fence and re-set the west side drainage pump. Vic did some maintenance things around the engine house while Dwight did repairs to the signal system. Both overhead parking area lights were taken down and the last project was to transport all light boxes by train to the upper storage building.

Sunday activity was Wayne giving his son a train ride on 3001. Dwight and Carmalina checking out some systems. Dwight and Bill attended to a cross elevation problem near Creosote. Bill took in some Christmas lights and serviced the lawnmower.

Monday grass was cut at the station Q area and plants were planted.

Tuesday Station area was cleaned up and benches put out and #25 was unloaded. Seven flower boxes were built for more flower displays.

Wednesday Vic, Gil and Bill were at the railway. Deer fencing, flower planting, sanitation work and removal of fencing to activate the access to track from the steaming bay was completed.

Thursday The grass in the upper parking area was cut.

Friday Bill repaired three weak areas on the main deer fence.

Saturday June 8th was the first public open house of the season. The weather was great and we gave rides to a steady flow of gests who arrived from 11 am till 5 pm. 3001, 2365 and 202 got used to transport people and 713 was also fired up and Judith from Victoria came with her locomotive 752. Other projects that took place during the open house were Christmas displays put away, cars arranged in the engine house, fixturing on the mill, signal and track problems repaired and a collection of other activities. Members present Saturday were Len, Dwight, Richard, Barry, Vic, Brian, Becky, Phil M., Frank, Gordon, Wayne, Steve and Bill. Guest Judith from Victoria.

Sunday was the second day of our open house but it rained all day off and on which lowered the flow of guests. 6109 and 2365 took the task of providing passenger trains. Judith operated her box cab 752. We ran for pleasure after 5:00 pm until sun down. Members present today were Gordon, Len, Steve and Bill.

Monday Bill got out 202 with cars and Judith, Steven and Bill brought 12 buckets of rock back to the station. Judith got a last run with her train before starting the loading process and Steve picked up boxed and loose Christmas lights and brought them back. Bill started taking angels back from Winch and put away equipment and closed gates.

Tuesday Judith left for her next destination. Bill boxed up the loose light cords.

Wednesday Phil M came by to work on the mill fixturing for the switch points. Bill took down lights, planted flowers and stored all remaining light boxes in upper storage. He also machined a new water valve for 2365's tender.

Saturday Richard and Gordon put away a large collection of lights. Dwight repaired the lightning junction control box and trouble shot the new controller finding a broken cord. Gil took the east tunnel's south west wing wall apart and found a lot of bad timbers. After a meeting it was decided to use lock blocks. Frank and Steve cleared benches and tables from the Q area while Bill cut the grass and used the weed eater. Len replaced the water valve on 2365's tender. Bill, Steven and Frank disassembled the West tunnel's south west wing wall and rebuilt the stone foundation and put back the interlocking stones. Richard, Gordon, Len and Bill put the lower parking area fence away.

Wednesday Phil worked on points fixturing at home. Bill picked up 60 blocks for the East tunnel and loaded 40 on two gondolas.

Thursday between Bill and Gil we spent three hours trying to get doe and fawn out of the fenced area. Bill cut five blocks in half.

Saturday a large group of AVR members gathered and completed the following tasks. Put a layer of rock down for the foundation under the future grain elevator at Paterson. 713 got some piping re-soldered and steamed up for a test. The station controller got new LED's installed to indicate direction. Lumber was cut up for a new tie panel jig. Several weak spots in the deer fence were repaired. A load of rock was spread for the East tunnel stone. A new control box cable and fuse was installed on 202. Machining on the mill for new points proceeded. 6109 and 202 were run along with 713. The doe and fawn were spotted and hopefully shown the gate. One gate was repaired at lightning. Members present were Gil, Gordon, Wayne, Phil M., Ed T., Dwight, Debby, Billy, Vic, Steve, Frank, Norm and Bill.

Wednesday Phil M. worked on the mill and switch points. Later Gil, Vic and Bill had a session.



Page last updated on July. 6th., 2013 by Bill Taylor in Winnipeg

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